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[英]Switching from manual to automation testing

Hello Test Automation Experts, Managers, Hello Test Automation专家,经理,

Seeking advice on how to transit from Manual Testing to automation testing 寻求有关如何从手动测试过渡到自动化测试的建议

I have been a manual tester for over 8 years. 我已经做了8年以上的手动测试仪。 I wish to switch to automation testing hence I attended training in Selenium web driver and Java ( we used TestNG and Maven ). 我希望切换到自动化测试,因此我参加了Selenium Web驱动程序和Java(我们使用TestNG和Maven)的培训。 Though being able to write medium complex automation scripts I am finding it hard to get interviews or seek attention from a hiring manager or recruiter just by saying them I have knowledge in automation. 虽然能够编写中等复杂的自动化脚本,但我发现很难接受采访或寻求招聘经理或招聘人员的注意,只是说他具备自动化知识。

What should I do to get one step closer so that a hiring manager will show interest in me? 我该怎么做才能让招聘经理对我产生兴趣?

I am very much keen on moving to test automation and willing to spend the required time to make this happen. 我非常热衷于测试自动化,并愿意花费所需的时间来实现这一目标。

Should I write a blog portraying my skills in automation or post my samples in Git hub? 我应该写一篇博客来描述我的自动化技能还是在Git中心发布我的样本?

Looking forward to receiving your advice as I am totally lost and frustrated last few months making this attempt switching to automation testing 期待收到您的建议,因为我在最近几个月完全迷失和沮丧,使这一尝试转向自动化测试

Thanks in advance 提前致谢

As most of the Technocrats from Selenium , Mozilla , Google Chrome and IE community are active and visits Stack Overflow on regular basis you can try the following ideas to get noticed : 由于来自SeleniumMozillaGoogle ChromeIE社区的大多数技术专家都很活跃并定期访问Stack Overflow ,您可以尝试以下想法以引起注意:

  • As a beginner go through the required Discussion threads within Frequent TAB on Stack Overflow and start getting your hands dirty with code. 作为初学者,在Stack Overflow上的Frequent TAB中查看所需的讨论主题,并开始用代码弄脏你的手。
  • When you gather ample knowledge start Answering questions and become a StackOverflow Volunteer . 当你收集足够的知识开始回答问题并成为StackOverflow志愿者

  • Earn Bronze / Silver / Gold badges on Selenium / WebDriver / Java / Python / C# / NodeJS / Ruby / PHP / Perl tags. Selenium / WebDriver / Java / Python / C# / NodeJS / Ruby / PHP / Perl标签上获得铜牌 / 银牌 / 金牌

  • Start writing a Technical Blog Site 开始撰写技术博客网站
  • Prepare Videos on Technical Aspects of Selenium / WebDriver / Java / Python / C# / NodeJS / Ruby / PHP / Perl and publish them. Selenium / WebDriver / Java / Python / C# / NodeJS / Ruby / PHP / Perl的 技术方面准备视频并发布它们。
  • The best outcome can be, you can turn out to be a Selenium Commiter 最好的结果可能是,你可以成为Selenium提交者

My suggestion would be: 我的建议是:

  1. To start with, try to write automation script for open web application. 首先,尝试为开放Web应用程序编写自动化脚本。 Example: Selenium script to login to Amazon, select a specific product, add to basket and go till payments page. 示例:用于登录亚马逊的Selenium脚本,选择特定产品,添加到购物篮并直至付款页面。 Next automate some other sites. 接下来自动化其他一些网站。

  2. Create a blog where to mention step by step how you achieved your task. 创建一个博客,逐步提到您如何完成任务。

  3. Upload your scripts to Github and provide that link in your block. 将您的脚本上传到Github并在您的块中提供该链接。

  4. Ask and answer questions in stackoverflow. 在stackoverflow中提问并回答问题。 Be active in Facebook selenium/automation groups. 积极参与Facebook selenium /自动化组。

  5. Practice java programming in sites like hackerrank, hackerearth, etc. Upload your solutions in github as well. 在hackerrank,hackerearth等网站上练习java编程。也可以在github上传你的解决方案。

  6. Explore deeper and deeper, keep giving interviews and never stop learning. 深入探索,不断接受采访,永不停止学习。

  7. Update all your works as personal projects in your resume. 在简历中将所有作品更新为个人项目。

All the best. 祝一切顺利。

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