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[英]Custom directive inside ng-repeat

I have this custom directive. 我有这个自定义指令。 I call my directive like bellow, inside a ng-repeat . 我在ng-repeat内像波纹管一样调用我的指令。

selectedMealCalc.calculated_foods as 'items', is an array of objects selectedMealCalc.calculated_foods作为“项目”,是一个对象数组

 <!-- DIRECTIVE -->
    <div ng-repeat="option in [0,1,2,3,4]">
        <meal-option option="{{option}}"
                     selectedmealcalc="selectedMealCalc"></meal-option> </div>
    <!-- DIRECTIVE -->

Then I created this directive in angularjs. 然后,我在angularjs中创建了此指令。

'use strict';

    angular.module('nutriApp').directive('mealOption', ['$compile', function($compile) {
      return {
        restrict: 'E',
        templateUrl: 'views/checkins/meal-options.html',
        scope: {
          option: "@",
          items: "=",
          selectedmealcalc: "="
        controller: ['$scope', 'Food', function($scope, Food) {
          $scope.sumFood = {};
          $scope.summerizeOption = function(foods) {
            if(foods.length > 0){
               $scope.sumFood = Food.summerize(foods);
            return $scope.sumFood;

And this HTML directive. 还有这个HTML指令。

<div class="row" ng-init="filteredItems = ( items | filter: { food_option: option } )" ng-controller="CheckinsPlansCtrl">
  <div class="col-md-12" ng-show="filteredItems.length > 0">
    Opção {{ option }}
    <table class="table table-calculo table-striped">
        <tr ng-repeat="foodCalculation in filteredItems track by $index">
          <td>{{foodCalculation.gram_amount}} g</td>

When I update the selectedMealCalc.calculated_foods the custom directive is not updating. 当我更新selectedMealCalc.calculated_foods ,自定义指令未更新。 I have to close the modal and open again in my page to saw the new line. 我必须关闭模式并在页面中再次打开才能看到新行。

As this comment Custom directive inside ng-repeat in this post. 正如本文中ng-repeat中的Custom指令一样 I removed the ng-init because ng-init: "Only to initialize a property on the scope. I would recommend not to use it." 我删除了ng-init因为ng-init:“仅在作用域上初始化属性。建议不要使用它。” as this another answer Does ng-init watch over change on instantiated property like ng-model does? 就像这另一个答案一样, ng-init是否像ng-model一样监视实例化属性的变化?

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