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[英]How do websites use hitcounters to drive traffic

I am looking for a way to keep track of the number of hits to a particular webpage. 我正在寻找一种跟踪特定网页的点击数的方法。 When the number of hits reaches a certain number traffic is driven to a different web page. 当点击次数达到一定数量时,流量将被驱动到另一个网页。 Specifically I could use this to mod the number of hits by different values and drive people to different webpages on this logic. 具体来说,我可以使用它来通过不同的值修改点击次数,并根据此逻辑将人们吸引到不同的网页。 Do free web traffic analytics software solve this problem for me? 免费的网络流量分析软件是否可以为我解决此问题? Do they give me access to the numbers for me to manipulate? 他们是否让我可以操纵这些数字?

I am a novice web programmer and an intermediate level C/C++ programmer. 我是Web程序员和中级C / C ++程序员。 I am currently attempting to build the website using .NET MVC framework, but I am open to other ways of attacking the problem (Ruby on Rails or OpenLaszlo). 我目前正在尝试使用.NET MVC框架来构建网站,但是我愿意接受其他解决问题的方法(Ruby on Rails或OpenLaszlo)。

What is your goal with this? 您的目标是什么? If you are going to base logic on the visits I wouldn't rely on 3rd party software since there is a usually a delay in tracking and it could be down (most free analytics packages have poor up-time). 如果您要基于访问进行逻辑分析,那么我就不会依赖第三方软件,因为通常跟踪会有所延迟,而且可能会失败(大多数免费分析软件包的正常运行时间很短)。 You would want to create a table in the database that includes a record for each page with a counter and just update that counter whenever someone visits the page, then you can base your logic off that data. 您可能想在数据库中创建一个表,该表包含每个页面的记录以及一个计数器,并且只要有人访问该页面就更新该计数器,然后就可以根据该数据建立逻辑。

If you give me more information I might be able to help more, are you trying to do this for a specific reason? 如果您给我更多信息,我可能会提供更多帮助,您是否出于特定原因尝试这样做? It seems like a strange requirement. 这似乎是一个奇怪的要求。

Just to add what james said. 只是为了补充詹姆斯所说的话。 The better solution would be handling it yourself by tracking the hits. 更好的解决方案是通过跟踪点击来自己处理。 But Google Analytics has an API which I think can be used in this scenario. 但是Google Analytics(分析)有一个API ,我认为可以在这种情况下使用。 I have not worked with it but I think it can be used. 我没有使用它,但我认为它可以使用。 But my personal opinion is that if there is not much benefit from what you are trying to do than you better dont do it. 但是我个人的看法是,如果您尝试做的事情没有太多好处,那么最好不要这样做。 ;-) ;-)

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