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[英]Add product to cart outside of magento (external script)

I have to add a product through an external page into the cart under the same URL. 我必须通过外部页面将产品添加到同一URL下的购物车中。

The difference between these pages is that eg test.de is running TYPO3 and test.de/Shop is running Magento and test.de/productpage is running an external script through TYPO3. 这些页面之间的区别在于,例如, test.de正在运行TYPO3,而test.de/Shop正在运行Magento,而test.de/productpage正在通过TYPO3运行外部脚本。

From the product page, I have to add a product to the Magento cart to proceed the checkout. 在产品页面上,我必须将产品添加到Magento购物车中才能进行结帐。

The key problem is to start the session outside of Magento. 关键问题是在Magento外部启动会话。 If I call test.de/Shop/checkout/cart before I go to test.de/productpage and add a product to the cart, it works flawlessly. 如果在转到test.de/productpage并将产品添加到购物车之前先致电test.de/Shop/checkout/cart ,它会正常工作。 But if I go the normal way (site -> productpage -> cart) I cant get Magento to listen to the session on the product page. 但是,如果我按常规方式(站点->产品页面->购物车),则无法使Magento收听产品页面上的会话。

I have something like this to call 我有这样的电话

function addToBasket()


        $session = Mage::getSingleton('core/session', array('name'=>'frontend'));   

        $productId = !isset($_GET['activeProdId']) ? '' : $_GET['activeProdId'];
        $qty = !isset($_GET['qty']) ? '1' : $_GET['qty'];

        if(empty($productId)) {
            return "no product-id found";

        $request = Mage::app()->getRequest();

        $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId);

        $cart = Mage::helper('checkout/cart')->getCart();

        $cart->addProduct($product, array('qty' => $qty));



        return true;


The addToBasket is called through ajax. addToBasket通过ajax调用。

So the question is: How do I start the session outside of the Magento-scope and put products into the cart? 所以问题是:如何在Magento范围之外启动会话并将产品放入购物车?

once you include Mage.php you will need to initialize Magento with 一旦包含Mage.php,您将需要使用初始化Magento


(first param is store code) (第一个参数是商店代码)

after that... 之后...

Mage::getSingleton('core/session', array('name'=>'frontend'));

...will work as it should. ...将如期运作。

Add first (like @samsonovits suggested) I had to add the store code in mage app and the store id (didn't test if the store-id is necessary after adding the store code). 首先添加(如建议的@samsonovits ),我必须在Mage应用程序中添加商店代码和商店ID(添加商店代码后,无需测试是否需要商店ID)。


Afterwards I called the frontend on Mage::app 之后,我在Mage::app上调用了前端


I switched the Mage::helper('checkout/cart') to the singleton Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart') . 我将Mage::helper('checkout/cart')切换为单例Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart')

Since Magento 1.8 we have to add a form_key to add products through an external script. Magento 1.8我们必须添加form_key才能通过外部脚本添加产品。

This was accomplished by the following code: 这是通过以下代码完成的:

$param = array('product' => $productId,
                   'qty' => $qty,
                   'form_key' => Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->getFormKey());      

$request = new Varien_Object();

Now we could proceed with a $cart->addProduct($product, $request) and $cart->save() to save the cart. 现在我们可以继续使用$cart->addProduct($product, $request)$cart->save()保存购物车。

There is one more important part to change (since the external script is not in the same scope like magento) - the cookie url and path. 有一个更重要的部分需要更改(因为外部脚本与magento不在同一范围内)-cookie url和路径。

System -> Configuration -> Web -> Cookies 系统->配置->网站-> Cookies

There we have to customize two fields: 在这里,我们必须自定义两个字段:

Cookie-Path: /Shop (where /Shop is the destination of magento) Cookie-Path: /Shop (其中/Shop是magento的目的地)

Cookie-Domain: .test.de (where .test.de is the URL of the project) Cookie-Domain: .test.de (其中.test.de是项目的URL)

After this the /Shop/checkout/cart was able to inherit the frontend-Cookie of the external script ( productpage ) 此后, /Shop/checkout/cart能够继承外部脚本的frontend-Cookieproductpage

NOTE: Without changing the Cookie-Path & Cookie-Domain Magento will create two frontend cookies with different content. 注意:在不更改Cookie路径和Cookie域的情况下,Magento将创建两个具有不同内容的前端cookie。

Full code: 完整代码:

function addToBasket()

    $productId = !isset($_GET['activeProdId']) ? '' : $_GET['activeProdId'];
    $qty = !isset($_GET['qty']) ? '1' : $_GET['qty'];
    Mage::getSingleton("core/session", array("name" => "frontend"));
    $session = Mage::getSingleton("customer/session");
    $cart = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart')->setStoreId(33);


    $paramater = array('product' => $productId,
                        'qty' => $qty,
                        'form_key' => Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->getFormKey()

    $request = new Varien_Object();

    if(empty($productId)) {
        return "no product-id found";

    $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId);

    $cart->addProduct($product, $request);


    return 1;

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