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[英]I'm trying to convert a text file to dictionary or a list Python

I have the following text file datafile.txt 我有以下文本文件datafile.txt

Pin AccountNumber   FirstName   LastName    AccountBalance      AccountType       
2221    436115      Bob         Smith       100.00              Checking 

I need to load the text file and load it into a dictionary with the pin as the key. 我需要加载文本文件,并使用图钉作为键将其加载到字典中。 This is what I have so far and I do not understand how to proceed 这是我到目前为止的内容,我不知道该如何进行

bData = open('datafile.txt')

for line in bData:
    bInfo = line.split()

first, skip the title line 首先,跳过标题行


then build the dict in one line using dict comprehension and star unpacking (python 3): 然后使用dict理解和星标拆解(python 3)在一行中构建dict:

d = {k:v for k,*v in (line.split() for line in bData)}

python 2 compliant: 兼容python 2:

d = {s[0]:s[1:] for s in (line.split() for line in f)}

result: 结果:

{'2221': ['436115', 'Bob', 'Smith', '100.00', 'Checking']}

(you need to put more lines to get more keys of course) (当然,您需要放置更多行才能获得更多键)

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