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[英]End of scrollbar listbox was split and one of my listheaders is not appearing

I am trying to create a listbox inside a groupbox component which has eight columns. 我正在尝试在具有八列的groupbox组件内创建一个listbox However the last column is gone and I don't know why, even though my listbox has a horizontal scrollbar. 但是,即使我的列表框具有水平滚动条,最后一列也已消失,我也不知道为什么。 I've tried to add: 我尝试添加:


In my zk.xml and many things but it's not working. 在我的zk.xml和许多东西中,但是它不起作用。 Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

    visible="@bind(vm.gbxGridPo)"  width="100%">
    <caption label="${labels.common.label.hasil_pencarian}" style="color:blue" />
    <vlayout >
        <checkbox  name="chkBPKB" label="Print SPP/SIP BPKB" checked="@bind(vm.chkBPKB)" />
        <listbox model="@load(vm.poDTOs)" mold="paging" pageSize="10"
                 emptyMessage="Tidak ada data" checkmark="true"
                 width="97%" style="overflow:hidden"
            <listhead  >
                 <listheader label="${labels.common.label.pilih}" align="center" width="50px" />
                 <listheader label="${labels.common.label.sentra}" align="center" sort="auto(sentraID)"  width="150px" />
                 <listheader label="${labels.common.label.unit}" align="center" sort="auto(unitID)" width="150px" />
                 <listheader label="${labels.common.label.jenis_pihak_ketiga}" align="center" sort="auto(thirdPartyTypeID)" width="150px" />
                 <listheader label="${labels.common.label.nama_pihak_ketiga}" align="center" sort="auto(thirdPartyName)" width="150px"  />
                 <listheader label="${labels.common.label.no_po}" align="center" sort="auto(poNumber)"  width="120px"/>
                 <listheader label="${labels.common.label.nama_lengkap}" align="center" sort="auto(customerName)" width="180px" />
                 <listheader label="${labels.common.label.no_aplikasi}" align="center" sort="auto(orderID)" width="140px"/>
             <template name="model"  status="s" var="item">
                     <listcell />
                     <listcell label="@load(item.sentraID)" />
                     <listcell label="@load(item.unitID)" />
                     <listcell label="@load(item.thirdPartyTypeID)" />
                     <listcell label="@load(item.thirdPartyName)" /> 
                     <listcell label="@load(item.poNumber)" /> 
                     <listcell label="@load(item.customerName)" /> 
                     <listcell label="@load(item.orderID)" /> 


Two ideas about what is going wrong: 关于出问题的两个想法:

First, setting the vlayout 's width to 100% or hflex to 1 could help. 首先,将vlayout的宽度设置为100%或将hflex设置为1可能会有所帮助。 Right now, the vlayout will be as wide as necessary to fit its children. 现在, vlayout将根据需要适合其子级。 The 97% on the listbox don't help, since the parent ( vlayout ) does not have a width restriction. listbox上的97%没有帮助,因为父级( vlayout )没有宽度限制。

Second, is the 100% on groupbox correct? 第二, groupbox上的100%是否正确? What container is that one in? 那是什么容器? If the groupbox 's container spans the whole page, 100% will make the groupbox also span the whole page; 如果groupbox的容器跨越整个页面,则100%会使groupbox也跨越整个页面; and since there is another box on the left, the groupbox is extends beyond the page. 并且由于左侧还有另一个框,因此groupbox超出了页面范围。


After playing with your zul a bit, I think it is the second case. 稍微玩了一下zul之后,我认为是第二种情况。 Look at this zul: 看看这个祖尔:

<hlayout width="100%">
    <div width="100px" height="100px" style="background: green" />
    <groupbox width="100%">
        <caption label="Bla" />
        <vlayout >
            <checkbox  label="Check" />
            <listbox model="@load(vm.poDTOs)" width="97%" style="overflow:hidden">
                <listhead  >
                     <listheader label="1" width="50px" />
                     <listheader label="2" width="150px" />
                     <listheader label="2" width="150px" />
                     <listheader label="2" width="150px" />
                     <listheader label="2" width="150px" />
                     <listheader label="2" width="150px" />
                     <listheader label="2" width="150px" />
                     <listheader label="2" width="150px" />
                     <listheader label="2" width="150px" />

This produces behavior looking similar to yours. 这会产生类似于您的行为。 But changing the groupbox from width="100%" to hflex="1" fixes it, as it will only take the remaining space left behind the div . 但是将groupboxwidth="100%"更改为hflex="1"解决此问题,因为它只会占用div后面的剩余空间。

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