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React Native-使用Windows Phone的跨平台

[英]React native - cross platform with windows phone

Is React Native made for windows phone too? React Native也是为Windows Phone制作的吗? If no what is best language or tool that is worth learning in mobile app cross-platform development? 如果没有,那么在移动应用程序跨平台开发中值得学习的最佳语言或工具是什么?

React Native doesn't come with support for Windows Phone (7/8/8.1). React Native不支持Windows Phone(7/8 / 8.1)。

Microsoft has created a really good React Native plugin for Windows Phone's successor : Windows 10 Mobile, but they also announced that the company no longer focuses on the platform so choose wisely. 微软为Windows Phone的继任者 Windows 10 Mobile创建了一个非常好的React Native插件,但他们还宣布该公司不再专注于平台,因此请明智地选择。

React Native Windows plugin repository: https://github.com/Microsoft/react-native-windows React Native Windows插件存储库: https : //github.com/Microsoft/react-native-windows

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