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[英]Creating a arraylist from a class - java

I've created a class called Student which will contain information about students. 我创建了一个名为Student的类,其中将包含有关学生的信息。

public class Student {
    private int totalPoint;
    private int antalKurser;
    private String program;

// here is constructor and get/set methods

I'm also trying to create a ArrayList from that class and from what I understand i should write: 我也试图根据该类以及据我所知应该写的内容创建一个ArrayList:

public class createArrayList {
        ArrayList<Student> studentList new ArrayList<>();

However Netbeans gives me an error and if I hover the line it says ';' 但是Netbeans给我一个错误,如果我将鼠标悬停在行上,它会显示“;”。 expexted but I'm positive I have written that (above snippet is copy-pasted). 扩展,但是我很肯定我已经写过(上面的代码片段是复制粘贴的)。 When I run the code it says "compiled with errors" but still runs. 当我运行代码时,它说“编译错误”,但仍然运行。

Found somewhere else I also could write: 在其他地方我也可以写:

ArrayList<Class> studentList = new ArrayList<>();

But then how does the application know which class it should create a list from? 但是,应用程序如何知道应该从哪个类创建列表?

The class Student is in another javafile but is in the same package. 学生类在另一个javafile中,但在同一包中。 What am I missing? 我想念什么?

Try 尝试

public class createArrayList {
        ArrayList<Student> studentList = new ArrayList<Student>();

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