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[英]Account Linking In Alexa

We are building complete serverless architecture using AWS services for all of our api's (using API Gateway + Lambda functions + DynamoDB) and to control our devices we are using aws-iot platform. 我们正在使用适用于所有api的AWS服务构建完整的无服务器架构(使用API​​网关+ Lambda函数+ DynamoDB),并使用aws-iot平台来控制我们的设备。 Mobile to devices interaction will happen over the aws-iot. 移动到设备的交互将通过AWS进行。 On mobile side for user management we are using firebase and all business logic is in Lambda function. 在移动用户管理方面,我们正在使用Firebase,所有业务逻辑都在Lambda函数中。 Now we want to work with Alexa with our existing architecture flow, but we are confused with the account linking part. 现在,我们想与Alexa一起使用我们现有的架构流程,但是我们对帐户链接部分感到困惑。 Do we have to implement our own auth server which will take care of authorization part or should we move to cognito user pool + login with Amazon, so that we will have user management and auth at the same platform. 我们是否必须实施自己的身份验证服务器来处理授权部分,还是应该转移到认知用户池+使用Amazon登录,以便在同一平台上进行用户管理和身份验证。

Yes, you usually have to set up your own oAuth 2.0 if you want to do Account Linking with a user in your system. 是的,如果要与系统中的用户进行帐户链接,通常必须设置自己的oAuth 2.0。 As you mentioned, there is also the possibility to use "Login with Amazon" (LWA) which makes things a little easier. 如您所提到的,还可以使用“通过亚马逊登录”(LWA),这使事情变得容易一些。 However, you will only get a user's email address and name (often, this is enough). 但是,您只会获得用户的电子邮件地址和名称(通常,这已经足够了)。

If you don't want to set up your own oAuth server, there are also tool providers that can do user management for you, like Auth0 . 如果您不想设置自己的oAuth服务器,那么还有一些工具提供商可以为您执行用户管理,例如Auth0 For example, Auth0 can be used to connect different identity providers like Facebook, Google logins, but also allows for username + password. 例如,Auth0可用于连接不同的身份提供者,例如Facebook,Google登录名,但也可以使用用户名+密码。

You can find a detailed step by step guide to set up Alexa Account Linking with Auth0 here . 您可以在此处找到详细的分步指南,以使用Auth0设置Alexa帐户链接 Let me know if you have any more questions! 让我知道您是否还有其他问题!

The documentation states the following providers can be used for authentication Github, Facebook, Twitter, Google. 该文档指出以下提供者可用于身份验证Github,Facebook,Twitter,Google。 I don't see how you'd be able to link in with Amazon / Alexa. 我看不到如何与Amazon / Alexa链接。 Also I'm not sure why you would want to use Firebase and not AWS Cognito. 另外,我不确定您为什么要使用Firebase而不是AWS Cognito。

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