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c#什么是Windows 10快速访问路径?

[英]c# What is Windows 10 QuickAccess Path?

I need to programmatically access via a button click, the Quick Access folder on Windows 10. 我需要通过单击按钮以编程方式访问Windows 10上的Quick Access文件夹。

I haven't figured what is it's phisical location if it has, or it's alias or symlink. 我没有弄清楚它的物理位置是什么,还是别名或符号链接。

I know that the method to access any desired folder is the use of explorer.exe and use the desired folder as an argument when invoking the method. 我知道访问任何所需文件夹的方法是使用explorer.exe,并在调用该方法时将所需文件夹用作参数。 This is not my issue and is not the point of this question. 这不是我的问题,也不是这个问题的重点。

The point of this question is to know which is Windows 10 QuickAccess absolutepath, to use it as an argument within the process.Start method to open the QuickAccess location the same way on does by clicking Windows File Explorer. 这个问题的重点是要知道哪个是Windows 10 QuickAccess绝对路径,可以将其用作process.Start方法中的自变量以通过单击Windows File Explorer来打开QuickAccess位置。


Information from this SO answer . 这样的答案的信息

You can paste below line to 'Run' in Windows 10 and it will open QuickAccess folder 您可以将以下行粘贴到Windows 10中的``运行'',它将打开QuickAccess文件夹


Tested on Win 10 - works just fine. 经过Win 10测试-正常运行。 I think this string is the closest to QuickAccess absolutepath you've asked for. 我认为该字符串与您要求的最接近QuickAccess绝对路径。

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