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[英]What is the difference between = and :=

I'm sure this is straightforward but I cannot find the correct string to get a google result. 我确信这很简单,但我找不到正确的字符串来获得谷歌搜索结果。 In VB.NET what is the difference between = (equals sign) and := (colon followed by equals sign)? 在VB.NET中,=(等号)和:=(冒号后跟等号)有什么区别?

The := operator is used to pass arguments by name in VB.Net. :=运算符用于在VB.Net中按名称传递参数。 For instance take the following code 例如,请使用以下代码

Sub Foo(p1 As integer, p2 As String)
End Sub

Sub Test()
End Sub

If you look strictly at the types involved here I've passed the values out of order. 如果你仔细看看这里涉及的类型,我已经不按顺序传递了值。 But Because I bound the arguments by name using :=, the compiler will properly pass the values. 但是因为我使用:=通过名称绑定参数,编译器将正确传递值。

The = operator depends on the context in VB.Net. =运算符取决于VB.Net中的上下文。 It can be either an assignment or comparison operator. 它可以是赋值或比较运算符。 For instance 例如

Dim x = 42 ' Assignment
if x = 36 Then 
 'Comparison above
End if

The equal sign is used for assignment and is also a comparison operator. 等号用于赋值,也是比较运算符。 An example of assignment is 任务的一个例子是

  a = 5

An example of comparison is 比较的一个例子是

  if (a = 5) then
    ' do something here
  end if

The := is used specifically for calling functions with setting particular parameters to the value by name. :=专门用于调用函数,通过名称将特定参数设置为值。 For example: 例如:

Sub studentInfo(ByVal name As String, _
       Optional ByVal age As Short = 0, _
       Optional ByVal birth As Date = #1/1/2000#)

  Debug.WriteLine("Name = " & name & _
                "; age = " & CStr(age) & _
                "; birth date = " & CStr(birth))
End Sub

Normally, you would call the function like this: 通常,您可以像这样调用函数:

Call studentInfo("Mary", 19, #9/21/1981#)

But you can also call the function this way: 但你也可以这样调用函数:

Call studentInfo("Mary", birth:=#9/21/1981#)

= is a comparison AND a set operator, but := is just a set operator. =是比较AND集合运算符,但是:=只是一个集合运算符。

Compare: If 7 = 7 Then ... 比较: If 7 = 7 Then ...

Set: Dim myInt As Integer = 7 设置: Dim myInt As Integer = 7

Say you have a custom object called SuperList whose constructor takes a variable called initialCount , then you can do things like: 假设您有一个名为SuperList的自定义对象,其构造函数采用名为initialCount的变量,那么您可以执行以下操作:

Dim myList As New SuperList(initialCount:=10)

It's just sometimes easier to read a constructor when you know what values you're setting, especially if you have a constructor like SomeConstructor(12, 432, True, False, 32) 当你知道你正在设置什么值时,有时读取构造函数会更容易,特别是如果你有像SomeConstructor(12, 432, True, False, 32)这样的构造SomeConstructor(12, 432, True, False, 32)

It makes more sense to see SomeConstructor(monthsInYear:=12, daysInYear:=432, leapYears:True, leapDays:=False, daysInMonth:=32) 看到SomeConstructor(monthsInYear:=12, daysInYear:=432, leapYears:True, leapDays:=False, daysInMonth:=32)更有意义SomeConstructor(monthsInYear:=12, daysInYear:=432, leapYears:True, leapDays:=False, daysInMonth:=32)

There's probably more but this is what I got off the top of my head. 可能还有更多,但这就是我的头脑。

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