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[英]Is it possible to escape a space in a word list sigil?

I'm trying to create an atom list with all the provinces of Argentina. 我正在尝试与阿根廷所有省份创建原子列表。 Since some of the are composed of multiple words, I need to escape the whitespace. 由于其中一些是由多个单词组成的,因此我需要转义空白。

  Capital\sfederal Catamarca Chaco Chubut Corrientes Córdoba
  Entre\sRíos Formosa Jujuy La\sPampa La\sRioja Mendoza Misiones Neuquén
  Río\sNegro Salta San\sJuan San\ Luis Santa\sCruz Santa\sFe
  Santiago\sdel\sEstero Tierra\sdel\sFuego Tucumán

I've tried using sigil_w and sigil_W , with the classic escaping sequences \\ and \\s , but it does not work. 我尝试使用sigil_wsigil_W ,并使用经典的转义序列\\\\s ,但是它不起作用。

(26 provinces - 1) * (2 quotes (") + 1 comma (,) + 1 space for readability(" ")) - 25 spaces I would use with the sigil form = 75 characters I could save (26个省-1)*(2个引号(“)+ 1个逗号(,)+ 1个可读性空格(”“)))-我将使用sigil格式使用25个空格= 75个字​​符,我可以保存

I know I can achieve this using a custom sigil: 我知道我可以使用自定义标记来实现:

defmodule MySigil do
  def sigil_X(string, [])  do
   |> String.split(~r/\s/)
   |> Enum.map(&String.replace(&1, "\\s", " "))

import MySigil
~X[Buenos\sAires La\sPlata]
["Buenos Aires", "La Plata"]

... but is there less "homemade" approach? ...但是“自制”方法较少吗?

No, this is not possible. 不,这是不可能的。 sigil_w and sigil_W both call the private split_words method in the Kernel module, which uses String.split to split the string which will always split on any whitespace. sigil_wsigil_W调用了 Kernel模块中的private split_words方法,该方法使用String.split拆分将始终在任何split_words拆分的字符串。

While it's not possible without hacks, there is a kludge around. 尽管没有黑客手段是不可能的,但周围还是有矛盾的。 Copy-paste the code below into your iex and execute it: 将以下代码复制粘贴到您的iex并执行:

~w|a b c|
#⇒ ["a b", "c"]

[ NB unfortunately, SO has the original symbol converted to normal space, hence copy-paste won't work out of the box] I can hear your “wut?” :) [ 注意,不幸的是,SO会将原始符号转换为普通空间,因此复制粘贴将无法立即使用] 我可以听到您的“哇?” :)

This is achieved with a non-breakable space . 这是通过不易碎的空间实现的 If you are fine with this, just use nbsp and you are all set. 如果您对此感到满意,只需使用nbsp即可。

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