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[英]IndexError: Extract table from a webpage using BeautifulSoup

I am trying to extract a table (with columns - flight, carrier, origin, date, scheduled, estimated, status) containing flight arrival information from an airport website , but I got the error below: 我正在尝试从机场网站提取包含航班抵达信息的表(带有列-航班,承运人,出发地,日期,预定,估计,状态),但出现以下错误:

  IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
  <ipython-input-39-2f7369a95ba9> in <module>()
        6  for cl in cols:
        7  dv = cl.findAll('div')
  ----> 8  if 'col-xs-12 col-sm-6' in dv[0]['class']:
        9  flight, carrier, origin, date, scheduled, estimated, status = [c.text for c in dv]
       10 print(flight, carrier, origin, date, scheduled, estimated, status)
  IndexError: list index out of range

I have combed stackoverflow for solution but could not find solution. 我已经对stackoverflow进行了梳理,但是找不到解决方案。 Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

  # import libraries
  import urllib3
  import requests
  from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

  # query the website and return the html to the variable ‘page’
  page = requests.get("https://www.aucklandairport.co.nz/flights").text

  soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
  tbody = soup.findAll('tbody')
  for tb in tbody:
    rows = tb.findAll('tr')
    for tr in rows:
      cols = tr.findAll('td')
        for cl in cols:
          dv = cl.findAll('div')
          if 'col-xs-12 col-sm-6' in dv[0]['class']:
             flight, carrier, origin, date, scheduled, estimated, status = [c.text for c in dv]
             print(flight, carrier, origin, date, scheduled, estimated, status)

Thanks for your contribution. 感谢您的贡献。

The problem is that the first td under tr don't have the div , that's why dv will return empty. 问题是,第一个tdtr没有div ,这就是为什么dv将返回空。 change your code to: 将您的代码更改为:

# import libraries
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# query the website and return the html to the variable ‘page’
page = requests.get("https://www.aucklandairport.co.nz/flights").text

soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
tbody = soup.find('tbody')
rows = tbody.findAll('tr',{'class':'flight-toggle'}) #find tr whose class = flight-toggle
for tr in rows:
    cols = tr.findAll('td',class_=lambda x: x != 'logo') # find td whose class!=logo (exclude the first td)
    dv0 = cols[0].find('div').findAll('div') #flight, carrier, origin under second td
    flight, carrier, origin = [c.text.strip() for c in dv0]
    dv1 = cols[1].find('div').findAll('div') #date, schedule under third td
    date, scheduled = [c.text.strip() for c in dv1]
    dv2 = cols[2].find('div').findAll('div') #estimated, statusunder fouth td
    estimated, status = [c.text.strip() for c in dv2[1:]] # exclude the first div 
    print(flight, carrier, origin, date, scheduled, estimated, status)

This will print out: 这将打印出:

(u'EK406', u'', u'Dubai / Melbourne', u'18 Nov', u'01:55pm', u'02:47pm', u'Processing')
(u'QF8762', u'EK406', u'Dubai / Melbourne', u'18 Nov', u'01:55pm', u'02:47pm', u'Processing')
(u'EK434', u'', u'Dubai / Brisbane', u'18 Nov', u'02:45pm', u'02:49pm', u'Processing')

You can peel the same apple in different ways. 您可以用不同的方法去皮。 Here is another way you can achieve the same. 这是您可以达到相同目的的另一种方法。

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

response = requests.get("https://www.aucklandairport.co.nz/flights")
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text,"lxml")
table = soup.select(".flights-table")[0]
for items in table.select("tr.flight-toggle"):
    data = ' '.join([' '.join(item.text.split()) for item in items.select("td")])

Partial result: 部分结果:

QF145 Sydney 18 Nov 05:05pm Est 05:32pm Processing
AA7377 QF145 Sydney 18 Nov 05:05pm Est 05:32pm Processing
BA7421 QF145 Sydney 18 Nov 05:05pm Est 05:32pm Processing
CZ7575 QF145 Sydney 18 Nov 05:05pm Est 05:32pm Processing

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