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在python tkinter中从CSV文件输出单个单元格

[英]Outputting a single cell from a csv file in python tkinter

This is meant to display a single element name from a CSV periodic table (atomic symbol in row 0, name in row 1) in a new label in a tkinter label. 这意味着在tkinter标签的新标签中显示CSV元素周期表中的单个元素名称(第0行中的原子符号,第1行中的名称)。 The user should be able to entry an atomic symbol, click the find button and the name be output. 用户应该能够输入原子符号,单击查找按钮,然后输出名称。 However so far, it does not print anything, and I am unsure which part is going wrong as I am fairly new to tkinter. 但是到目前为止,它什么也没打印,而且我不确定哪个部分出了问题,因为我对tkinter相当陌生。

The current code: 当前代码:

import tkinter as tk
base_container = tk.Tk()
element = tk.StringVar()

def search(element):
    import csv
    choice = element 
    with open('Periodic_Table.csv') as file:
        csv_file = csv.reader(open('Periodic_Table.csv', "rt"), delimiter=",")
        for row in csv_file:
            if choice == str(row[0]):
                tk.Label(base_container, text=str(row[1])).grid(row=4, column=0)

entry = tk.Label(base_container, text="Enter a chemical symbol:").grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="NE")
text = tk.Entry(base_container, width= 30, textvariable=element).grid(row=0, column=1, padx=2, pady=2, sticky="NE", columnspan=4)

Find = tk.Button(base_container, text="Find", command=lambda: search('element'))
Find.grid(row=30, column=10, sticky="SW", padx=2, pady=2)

Quit = tk.Button(base_container, text="Quit").grid(row=50, column=10, sticky="SW", padx=2, pady=2)

Periodic_Table.csv starts as follows: Periodic_Table.csv开始如下:

H, Hydrogen
He, Helium
Li, Lithium
Be, Beryllium
B, Boron
C, Carbon

There are a few problems with your code. 您的代码有一些问题。 As Martin mentioned, you're opening the CSV file twice. 如Martin所述,您要打开CSV文件两次。 And there's no need to open it & read every time you want to perform a search. 而且,您无需每次想进行搜索时都打开并阅读。 It's much more efficient to read it once into some kind of collection, and then perform your search on that collection. 一次将其读入某种集合,然后在该集合上执行搜索,效率会更高。

We could save the periodic table data into a list, but it's much better to use a dictionary. 我们可以将元素周期表数据保存到列表中,但是使用字典要好得多。 That way we can instantly get the element name by using the symbol as the key. 这样,我们可以通过使用符号作为键来立即获得元素名称。

Another problem that I hinted at earlier is that you're passing the string 'element' to your search function instead of a string containing the element's symbol. 我之前暗示的另一个问题是,您正在将字符串'element'传递给搜索函数,而不是包含元素符号的字符串。 And since the periodic table doesn't contain the word 'element' the search would always fail. 而且由于元素周期表中不包含“元素”一词,搜索将始终失败。

We don't actually need to pass anything to search : we can get it to retrieve the current contents of the Entry via the element StringVar. 实际上,我们不需要传递任何内容来进行search :我们可以通过StringVar element获取它来检索Entry的当前内容。

Also, as I mentioned above, it's not a good idea to make a new Label each time you want to update the output. 另外,如上所述,在每次要更新输出时都新建一个Label不是一个好主意。 The old Labels will still exist, but they'll be buried under the newer ones. 旧标签仍然存在,但是将被埋在新标签的下面。 Instead, create a single Label and update its text via its .config method. 而是创建一个Label并通过其.config方法更新其文本。

Here's a repaired version of your program. 这是您程序的修复版本。

import csv
import tkinter as tk

# Read the periodic_table data and save it to a dictionary, keyed by the symbol
periodic_table = {}
with open('Periodic_Table.csv', newline='') as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=",", skipinitialspace=True)
    for sym, name in reader:
        periodic_table[sym] = name

base_container = tk.Tk()
element = tk.StringVar()

def search():
    sym = element.get() 
    name = periodic_table.get(sym, 'Not found')

tk.Label(base_container, text="Enter a chemical symbol:").grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="NE")
tk.Entry(base_container, width=30, textvariable=element).grid(row=0, column=1, padx=2, pady=2, sticky="NE", columnspan=4)

element_label = tk.Label(base_container, text='')
element_label.grid(row=4, column=0)

tk.Button(base_container, text="Find", command=search).grid(row=30, column=10, sticky="SW", padx=2, pady=2)
tk.Button(base_container, text="Quit", command=base_container.destroy).grid(row=50, column=10, sticky="SW", padx=2, pady=2)


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