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[英]How to define a friend function operator>> inside a local class?

Trying to overload input operator >> inside a local class. 试图在本地类中重载输入运算符>> I tried to define friend istream &operator >> inside class Data . 我试图在class Data定义friend istream &operator >>

int readFile(char* file_name,float temperature_data[][31])
    class Data
            int day,month,year;
            float temp;
            friend istream & operator >> (istream &in,  Data &c)
                char ch;
                in >> c.day;
                in >>  ch;
                in >> c.month;
                in >>  ch;
                in >> c.year;
                in >>  ch;
                in >> c.temp;
                return in;
    int i;
    Data d;
        int total=0;
        char ch;
        temperature_data[d.month-1][d.day-1] = d.temp;
        ch = getchar();
    return d.year;

It's showing error: 显示错误:

error: can't define friend function 'operator>>' in a local class definition

Here's what I'm thinking, from my comment, which you'd call with d.read(cin) : 根据我的评论,这就是我的想法,您可以使用d.read(cin)调用它:

class Data {
  int day,month,year;
  float temp;
  void read(istream& in) {
    char ch;
    in >> day;
    in >> ch;
    in >> month;
    in >> ch;
    in >> year;
    in >> ch;
    in >> temp;

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