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蓝色棱镜 - 无法侦测 SAP Screen 元素

[英]Blue prism - Not able to Spy SAP Screen element

Trying to spy SAP system through BluePrism for SAP Automation.试图通过 BluePrism for SAP Automation 监视 SAP 系统。 When I click Identify button from BluePrism application modeller and move my mouse over to the T-Code textbox , then the text Box is highlighted using a red color box which says the TCode element is recognize by BluePrism tool in SAP test system.当我单击 BluePrism 应用程序建模器中的识别按钮并将鼠标移到 T-Code 文本框时,文本框使用红色框突出显示,表示 SAP 测试系统中的 BluePrism 工具可识别 TCode 元素。 however the same is NOT identified for SAP Production system.但是,SAP 生产系统没有识别出相同的内容。

We checked both SAP system has same settings maintained to enable SAP GUI Scripting.我们检查了两个 SAP 系统都维护了相同的设置以启用 SAP GUI 脚本。

Appreciate help!感谢帮助!

我不知道它是否解决了您的具体问题:多次按alt将更改 spy method ,您将能够找到您要查找的内容(甚至是专门针对 SAP 的方法)。

please check if the SAP Id of the item is the same in both systems.请检查项目的 SAP Id 在两个系统中是否相同。 You can do it for example by identifying item in both systems.例如,您可以通过识别两个系统中的项目来实现。 Please return with the answer what's the difference in ID between the systems.请返回答案,系统之间的 ID 有什么区别。

If you are starting out with SAP Automation in your organisation, you will probably not have GUI scripting enabled in the Production system, but it may be in the DEV system.如果您在组织中开始使用 SAP 自动化,您可能不会在生产系统中启用 GUI 脚本,但它可能在 DEV 系统中启用。

If you can access SAP then run RZ11 and enter sapgui/user_scripting then it will show a list of values, and the current value should be true.如果您可以访问 SAP,然后运行 ​​RZ11 并输入sapgui/user_scripting那么它将显示一个值列表,当前值应为 true。 Compare DEV and PRD.比较 DEV 和 PRD。 You will probably need the SAP Basis admin to change this.您可能需要 SAP Basis 管理员来更改此设置。

Read this blog for more details 阅读此博客了解更多详情


For the best SAP automation performance with Blue Prism you need to enable both Client and Server scripting为了使用 Blue Prism 获得最佳 SAP 自动化性能,您需要启用客户端和服务器脚本

i.一. Enabling Client-Side Scripting启用客户端脚本

  • Start the SAP Logon and log in to the SAP server.启动 SAP Logon 并登录到 SAP 服务器。
  • Click the 'Customize Local Layout' toolbar button (ALT+F12).单击“自定义本地布局”工具栏按钮 (ALT+F12)。
  • Click Options and in the GUI Options screen select the 'Accessibility and Scripting' node单击选项,然后在 GUI 选项屏幕中选择“辅助功能和脚本”节点
  • In the 'Accessibility' node ensure that the 'Use Accessibility mode' option is enabled.在“辅助功能”节点中,确保启用“使用辅助功能模式”选项。
  • In the 'Scripting' node ensure that the 'Enable scripting' option is the only option set.在“脚本”节点中,确保“启用脚本”选项是唯一的选项集。 Notifications must be switched off to prevent popups from blocking the spy mode.必须关闭通知以防止弹出窗口阻止间谍模式。
  • NOTE: If the options 'Notify when a script attaches to SAP GUI' check box and the 'Notify when a script opens a connection' are left checked then when you spy an element in the SAP interface you will see the message “A script is trying to attach to the GUI” every time you attempt to click on it.注意:如果选项“脚本附加到 SAP GUI 时通知”和“脚本打开连接时通知”被选中,那么当您在 SAP 界面中监视元素时,您将看到消息“脚本是每次尝试单击它时都试图附加到 GUI”。 If you see the message “Scripting support is disabled by the user” then the 'Enable scripting' option has not been checked.如果您看到消息“用户已禁用脚本支持”,则表示尚未选中“启用脚本”选项。
  • Save the settings and restart the SAP GUI.保存设置并重新启动 SAP GUI。 The clientside settings have now been set.现在已经设置了客户端设置。

ii. ii. Enabling Server-Side Scripting启用服务器端脚本

  • Start the SAP Logon and log in to the SAP server.启动 SAP Logon 并登录到 SAP 服务器。
  • Run the 'RZ11' transaction (type 'RZ11 'and click the green tick button)运行“RZ11”交易(输入“RZ11”并点击绿色勾号按钮)
  • Type 'sapgui/user_scripting' in the Maintain Profile Parameters window.在“维护配置文件参数”窗口中键入“sapgui/user_scripting”。
  • Click the 'Display' button单击“显示”按钮
  • Click 'Change Value' in the Display Profile Parameter Attributes window.在“显示配置文件参数属性”窗口中单击“更改值”。
  • Type 'TRUE' in the 'New value' field.在“新值”字段中输入“真”。
  • Save the settings and log out from SAP Logon.保存设置并从 SAP Logon 注销。
  • Exit from the SAP Logon program (click the red cross button in the toolbar, or click the 'X' window button to close the window and the application).退出 SAP Logon 程序(单击工具栏中的红色十字按钮,或单击“X”窗口按钮关闭窗口和应用程序)。 You may be prompted to save any unsaved changes, if you haven't done so already.如果您尚未保存任何未保存的更改,系统可能会提示您保存。

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