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vim 中的 Angular 组件和指令自动完成

[英]Angular components and directives autocomplete in vim

有没有办法在使用 html 模板时自动完成 Vim 中的 Angular 指令和组件?

An Angular language service coc extension for (neo)vim (neo)vim 的 Angular 语言服务coc扩展

https://github.com/iamcco/coc-angular https://github.com/iamcco/coc-angular

This extension provides a rich editing experience for Angular templates, both inline and external templates including:此扩展为 Angular 模板提供了丰富的编辑体验,包括内联和外部模板,包括:

  • Completions lists完成列表
  • AOT Diagnostic messages AOT 诊断消息
  • Quick info快速信息
  • Go to definition转到定义

It's not perfect but Deoplete is probably as good as it gets.它并不完美,但 Deoplete 可能已经足够好了。 In my use case it's pretty good at picking up keywords you've used and autocompleting those.在我的用例中,它非常擅长选择您使用过的关键字并自动完成它们。 It works with html.它适用于 html。 Requires either Vim8 or Neovim.需要 Vim8 或 Neovim。 I personally can't recommend Neovim enough.我个人不能推荐 Neovim。

https://github.com/Shougo/deoplete.nvim https://github.com/Shougo/deoplete.nvim

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