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[英]Converting string to object with Javascript


   "JwtBody { user_id: 1, auth_id: 1}"

"JwtBody { user_id: 1, auth_id: 1}" is obviously not a standard json string,So you can try this. "JwtBody { user_id: 1, auth_id: 1}" 显然不是标准的json字符串,所以你可以试试这个。

function strToObj(str){
   var obj = {};
   if(str&&typeof str ==='string'){
       var objStr = str.match(/\{(.)+\}/g);
       eval("obj ="+objStr);
   return obj

Could you use JSON.parse() ?你能用JSON.parse()吗?

I haven't used it myself, but it looks like create a variable and use JSON.parse("string") to have it converted into an object.我自己没有使用过,但看起来像创建一个变量并使用 JSON.parse("string") 将其转换为对象。

So, for your example it would be something like:因此,对于您的示例,它将类似于:

var object = JSON.parse("JwtBody { user_id: 1, auth_id: 1}");

Not exactly sure what you're trying to do.不完全确定你要做什么。

You could try something like this:你可以尝试这样的事情:

var str = '{"user_id": "1", "auth_id": "1"}';
var obj = $.parseJSON(str);

Be sure to have jquery like this:确保有这样的 jquery:

<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>

If you can't change data from example:如果您无法更改示例中的数据:

var parsedData = {};
var str = "JwtBody { user_id: 1, auth_id: 1}";

function getRawJSON(str){
    return str.split(' ').map((el, index)=>{return index>0 ? el : ''}).join('');

function formatingValidJSON(str){
    // From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9637517/parsing-relaxed-json-without-eval
    return str
    .replace(/:\s*"([^"]*)"/g, function(match, p1) {
        return ': "' + p1.replace(/:/g, '@colon@') + '"';
    .replace(/:\s*'([^']*)'/g, function(match, p1) {
        return ': "' + p1.replace(/:/g, '@colon@') + '"';
    .replace(/(['"])?([a-z0-9A-Z_]+)(['"])?\s*:/g, '"$2": ')
    .replace(/@colon@/g, ':')

str = formatingValidJSON(getRawJSON(str));
    parsedData = JSON.parse(str);
    console.log('Your parsed data:', parsedData);
    console.log('Your data is wrong');

This JSON-like string can be parsed using vanilla JavaScript and regex by:这个类似 JSON 的字符串可以使用 vanilla JavaScript 和 regex 通过以下方式解析:

  1. Reducing string to only characters that String.match() JSON-like object string将字符串减少到只有String.match() 类JSON 对象字符串的字符
  2. String.replace() property names to enclose matched names with quotations String.replace()属性名称将匹配的名称用引号括起来
  3. parsing object with JSON.parse使用JSON.parse解析对象

var jwtBodyString = "JwtBody { user_id: 1, auth_id: 1}";

`//1 match on only JSON within string
jwtBody = jwtBodyString.match(/{[^}]+}/).toString();`    

//2 enclose property names to prevent errors with JSON.parse()
jwtBody = jwtBody.replace(/([a-zA-Z]+):/g,'"$1":'));

//3 obtain object
var myJwtBodyObject = JSON.parse(jwtBody);

Use JSON.parse()使用JSON.parse()

Also, you're javascript string is invalid JSON which means it's invalid javascript.此外,您的 javascript 字符串是无效的 JSON,这意味着它是无效的 javascript。 It should look like this:它应该是这样的:

JSON.parse('{"jwtbody" : { "user_id" : 1, "auth_id" : 1}}');

This will give you the corresponding javascript object you want.这将为您提供所需的相应 javascript 对象。

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