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[英]How to compare strings of lines from two different files using python?

I want to find the matching email in two files and sent date by comparing emails from two files. 我想在两个文件中找到匹配的电子邮件,并通过比较两个文件中的电子邮件来找到发送日期。 I have two files 1) maillog.txt(postfix maillog) and 2)testmail.txt(contains emails separated by newline) i have used re to extract the email and sent date from maillog.txt file which looks like below, 我有两个文件1)maillog.txt(后缀maillog)和2)testmail.txt(包含用换行符分隔的电子邮件),我已经使用re从maillog.txt文件中提取电子邮件并发送了日期,如下所示,

Nov  3 10:08:43 server postfix/smtp[150754]: 78FA8209EDEF: to=<adamson@example.com>, relay=aspmx.l.google.com[]:25, delay=3.2, delays=0.1/0/1.6/1.5, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 OK 1509718076 m11si5060862pls.447 - gsmtp)
Nov  3 10:10:45 server postfix/smtp[150754]: 7C42A209EDEF: to=<addison@linux.com>, relay=mxa-000f9e01.gslb.pphosted.com[]:25, delay=5.4, delays=0.1/0/3.8/1.5, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 2dvkvt5tgc-1 Message accepted for delivery)
Nov  3 10:15:45 server postfix/smtp[150754]: 83533209EDE8: to=<johndoe@carchcoal.com>, relay=mxa-000f9e01.gslb.pphosted.com[]:25, delay=4.8, delays=0.1/0/3.3/1.5, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 2dvm8yww64-1 Message accepted for delivery)
Nov  3 10:16:42 server postfix/smtp[150754]: 83A5E209EDEF: to=<jackn@alphanr.com>, relay=aspmx.l.google.com[]:25, delay=1.6, delays=0.1/0/0.82/0.69, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 OK 1509718555 j186si6198120pgc.455 - gsmtp)
Nov  3 10:17:44 server postfix/smtp[150754]: 8636D209EDEF: to=<sbins@archcoal.com>, relay=mxa-000f9e01.gslb.pphosted.com[]:25, delay=4.1, delays=0.11/0/2.6/1.4, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 2dvm8ywwdh-1 Message accepted for delivery)
Nov  3 10:18:42 server postfix/smtp[150754]: 8A014209EDEF: to=<leo@adalphanr.com>, relay=aspmx.l.google.com[]:25, delay=1.9, delays=0.1/0/0.72/1.1, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 OK 1509718675 o2si6032950pgp.46 - gsmtp)

Here is my another file testmail.txt : 这是我的另一个文件testmail.txt


Below is what i have tried and it works too but I want to know if there is more efficient way to do this for large number of maillogs and email addresses 以下是我尝试过的方法,它也可以工作,但我想知道是否有更有效的方法来处理大量的邮件日志和电子邮件地址

import re
with open("testmail.txt") as fh1:
    for addr in fh1:
        if addr:
            with open("maillog.txt") as fh:
                for line in fh:
                    if line:
                        for obj in match:
                            if addr == addr2:

this will print out put like if match is found: 这将打印出来,就像找到匹配项一样:

{'month': 'Nov', 'day': '3', 'ts': '10:08:43', 'email': 'adamson@example.com'}

This is my solution 这是我的解决方案

In [1]: import re

In [2]: pat = r'(?P<month>[A-Za-z]{3})\s{1,3}(?P<day>\d{1,2})\s{1,2}(?P<ts>\d+:\d+:\d+).*to=<(?P<email>([\w\.-]+)@([\w\.-]+))'

In [3]: emails = set()

In [4]: date_email = {}

In [6]: with open('maillog.txt', mode='r') as f:
   ...:     for line in f:
   ...:         month, day, ts, email = re.search(pat, line).group('month', 'day', 'ts', 'email')
   ...:         date_email[email] = (month, day, ts)

In [7]: date_email
{'adamson@example.com': ('Nov', '3', '10:08:43'),
 'addison@linux.com': ('Nov', '3', '10:10:45'),
 'jackn@alphanr.com': ('Nov', '3', '10:16:42'),
 'johndoe@carchcoal.com': ('Nov', '3', '10:15:45'),
 'leo@adalphanr.com': ('Nov', '3', '10:18:42'),
 'sbins@archcoal.com': ('Nov', '3', '10:17:44')}

In [11]: with open('testmail.txt', mode='r') as f:
    ...:     for line in f:
    ...:         emails.add(line.strip())

In [12]: emails
Out[12]: {'adamson@example.com', 'jdswson@gmail.com'}

In [15]: for email in emails:
    ...:     if email in date_email:
    ...:         print(email, date_email[email])
('adamson@example.com', ('Nov', '3', '10:08:43'))

You can format output the way you want. 您可以按照自己的方式格式化输出。

open statement along with "with" keyword can be combined like this open语句和“ with”关键字可以像这样组合

with open(file1, mode='r') as f1, open(file2, mode='r') as f2:
    # do something with f1
    # do something with f2

You can try with regex and capture the group : 您可以尝试使用正则表达式并捕获组:

Let's solve your solution in three steps : 让我们分三步解决您的解决方案:

Step first capturing all email address from email.txt : 首先,从email.txt捕获所有电子邮件地址:

    with open('emails.txt','r') as f:
        for line in f:

Second step capturing needed data from data.txt: 第二步,从data.txt中捕获所需的数据:

with open('data.txt','r') as f:
        month_day=[[find.group(4) if find.group(4) != None else [find.group(1), find.group(2), find.group(3)] for find in re.finditer(pattern,line)]for line in f]

Third step : Now we have all the data , just check if that email in our data list then add that group info to dict: 第三步:现在我们拥有所有数据,只需检查数据列表中的电子邮件,然后将该组信息添加到字典即可:

for item in month_day:
        final_dict = {}
        if item[1] in emails:
            final_dict['month'] = item[0][0]
            final_dict['day'] = item[0][1]
            final_dict['ts'] = item[0][2]
            final_dict['email'] = item[1]
        if final_dict:

Full code: 完整代码:

 import re

with open('emails.txt','r') as f:
    for line in f:
with open('data.txt','r') as f:
    month_day=[[find.group(4) if find.group(4) != None else [find.group(1), find.group(2), find.group(3)] for find in re.finditer(pattern,line)]for line in f]

for item in month_day:
    final_dict = {}
    if item[1] in emails:
        final_dict['month'] = item[0][0]
        final_dict['day'] = item[0][1]
        final_dict['ts'] = item[0][2]
        final_dict['email'] = item[1]
    if final_dict:

output: 输出:

{'ts': '10:08:43 ', 'month': 'Nov', 'email': 'adamson@example.com', 'day': '3'}

Regex information : 正则表达式信息:

^ asserts position at start of a line
\w{0,3} matches any word character (equal to [a-zA-Z0-9_])
\s matches any whitespace character (equal to [\r\n\t\f\v ])
\d matches a digit (equal to [0-9])

Quick and untested but simple enough conceptually: compile a big whoppin' regex with all the addresses already in it. 快速且未经测试,但在概念上足够简单:使用其中已存在的所有地址编译一个大的正则表达式。

import re

with open("testmail.txt") as fh1:
    emails = []
    for addr in fh1:
        r'(?P<month>[A-Za-z]{3})\s{1,3}(?P<day>\d{1,2})\s{1,2}(?P<ts>\d+:\d+:\d+).*to=<(?P<email>%s)' %

with open("maillog.txt") as fh:
    for line in fh:
        for match in pattern.finditer(line):

My advice would be to store all the emails from testmail.txt in a set, compile the regex, and then iterate over the lines of maillog.txt and search in the mail is in the set. 我的建议是将来自testmail.txt的所有电子邮件存储在一个集中,编译正则表达式,然后遍历maillog.txt的行并在集中搜索邮件。 That way, only the shorter of the files has to reside in memory, the regex pattern in only compiled once, and researches are done in a set which is optimized for this kind of access: 这样,只有较短的文件必须驻留在内存中,而正则表达式模式仅需编译一次,并且针对针对这种访问进行了优化的集合中进行了研究:

import re

# load the testmail file into a set
mails = set()
with open('testmail.txt') as fd:
    for line in fd:

#compile the regex once
rx = re.compile(pattern)

#process the maillog file:
with open('maillog.txt') as fd:
    for line in fd:
        m = rx.match(line)
        if m is not None and m.groupdict()['email'] in mails:

The output with your example data is as expected: 包含示例数据的输出符合预期:

{'month': 'Nov', 'day': '3', 'ts': '10:08:43', 'email': 'adamson@example.com'}

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