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[英]Moving PictureBox transparent background issue

probem: 探查:


moving object: 运动物体:

type: pictureBox 
name : RobotAnimation.PicFM;
backcolor: Transparent;     

background image -> 背景图片->

type: picturebox   
name : pictureBox1

etc -> 等->

RobotAnimation.PicATM.Parent = pictureBox1;

step: 步:

timerTick += RobotAnimation.PicATM.Location.X +1;

problem: 问题:

moving object -> around moving object -> is flicker

How can I solve this issue? 我该如何解决这个问题?

What is "messy"? 什么是“混乱”?

However, have you set the .DoubleBuffered property of the Form? 但是,您是否设置了Form的.DoubleBuffered属性? (Is it a Form?) (是表格吗?)
If not, try that. 如果没有,请尝试。

EDIT: 编辑:
The Link provided by @LarsTech already points you towards the (inevitable) path. @LarsTech提供的链接已经将您引向(不可避免的)路径。
Before that, try to activate the .OptimizedDoubleBuffer of you objects (Form, PictureBoxes, Panels). 在此之前,尝试激活.OptimizedDoubleBuffer你的对象(表,PictureBoxes,面板)。
With Forms, it can be activated directly calling its .SetStyle method: 使用Forms,可以直接调用其.SetStyle方法来激活它:

this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer | 
              ControlStyles.UserPaint | 

In PictureBoxes and Panels, that method is protected, you have to set it in a derived class: 在PictureBoxes和Panel中,该方法受保护,您必须在派生类中进行设置:

public class BufferedPicture : PictureBox
   public BufferedPicture()
      this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer | 
                    ControlStyles.UserPaint | 
                    ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);

The use of ControlStyles.UserPaint depends on what you are doing. ControlStyles.UserPaint的使用取决于您在做什么。
Take a look (and follow) Control.SetStyle in Microsoft Docs. 查看(并遵循)Microsoft Docs中的Control.SetStyle

Also - I could be wrong here - from what I see in your animated GIF, that looks more than tearing . 另外-从我在动画GIF中看到的内容来看,我可能错了,这似乎不止于撕裂 It seems that your rendering is one pixel off. 看来您的渲染距离只有一个像素。

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