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[英]misunderstanding the generic in java

I am trying to understand generics in Java. 我试图理解Java中的泛型。

private List<Own> l = new ArrayList<Own>();

I have the following error : 我有以下错误:

no instance of Typed array variable T exist so that List<Own> conform to T[]

when I pass it in a method (readTypedArray) that expects T[]. 当我在一个期望T []的方法(readTypedArray)中传递它时。

private List<Own> list = new ArrayList<Own>();

private OwnParceable(Parcel in) {
    in.readTypedArray(list, CategoriesParceable.CREATOR);

The method in.readTypedArray() expects an array T[] , but you passed a List<Own which is not an array. in.readTypedArray()方法需要一个数组T[] ,但是你传递的是一个List<Own ,它不是一个数组。

List is not an array you can't use it where an array is expected, List is an interface which extends Collection while array is a data structure in Java, check Difference between List and Array for further details. List是不是一个array ,你不能用它当阵列的预期, List是扩展的接口Collection ,而array是Java中的数据结构,检查列表和阵列之间的差异进一步的细节。

You can either declare an Own[] instead of List<Own> or convert this list into an array before passing it to the method, check Convert list to array in Java : 您可以声明一个Own[]而不是List<Own>或者在将该列表传递给方法之前将其转换为数组,在Java中检查将列表转换为数组

in.readTypedArray(list.toArray(new Own[list.size()]), CategoriesParceable.CREATOR);

This has nothing to do with generics - List s and arrays are just two different things. 这与泛型无关 - List和数组只是两个不同的东西。 If your method expects an array, you need to pass it an array, not a List: 如果你的方法需要一个数组,你需要传递一个数组,而不是List:

Own[] arr = new Own[10]; // Or some size that makes sense...
in.readTypedArray(arr, CategoriesParceable.CREATOR);

There is a possibility to create an array filled with content of specified List . 可以创建一个填充了指定List内容的数组。 To achieve that you can call method toArray() of your list reference, for example: 要实现这一点,您可以调用列表引用的方法toArray() ,例如:

Integer[] array = list.toArray(new Integer[list.size()]);

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