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[英]How to get rid of initial value of Variable in RxSwift

I have been working on RxSwift, I am using a Variable in RxSwift which is hooked(bind to) to UICollectionView . 我一直在RxSwift上工作,我在RxSwift中使用了一个Variable ,该Variable已挂钩(绑定到) UICollectionView Now knowing that Variable extends from Behavior Subjects I had to create a Variable with some dummy initial value. 现在知道VariableBehavior Subjects扩展,因此我必须创建一个具有一些虚拟初始值的Variable

 var myArray = Variable<[MyDataModel]>([MyDataModel(data: "{:}")])

MyDataModel is a struct that takes json as a init parameter.(As MyModel has nothing to with the question that follows am not posting the structure of it here) MyDataModel是一个将json作为初始化参数的结构(因为MyModel与下面的问题无关,因此不在此处发布其结构)

Now, when I hook it to collectionView, I know that I should ignore the first signal emitted so I use skip(1) 现在,当我将其挂接到collectionView时,我知道我应该忽略发出的第一个信号,所以我使用skip(1)

myArray.asObservable().skip(1).bind(to: collectionView.rx.items(cellIdentifier: "test", cellType: MyCollectionViewCell.self){
        //cell implementation    

Though above code works, it solves the problem partially. 尽管上面的代码可以工作,但是可以部分解决问题。 Though the first change in the value of myArray is ignored, but when I append the actually data to myArray later using 尽管myArrayvalue的第一次更改被忽略,但是当我稍后将实际数据附加到myArray使用


it emits the notification and unfortunately this time myArray.value has two values (dummy one I added while initializing and one that actually triggered onNext ) 它发出通知,但不幸的是,这次myArray.value有两个值(虚假的是我在初始化时添加的,另一个实际上是在onNext触发的)

So as a work around, what I do is before blindly appending data to myArray.value I check if it has dummy object I added, if yes I remove it and add the actual object. 因此,作为一种变通办法,我要做的是在将数据盲目附加到myArray.value之前,检查它是否添加了虚拟对象,如果是,则将其删除并添加实际对象。

Though work around works, makes my code looks very ugly and non Rx in a way. 尽管可以解决问题,但使我的代码在某种程度上看起来非常丑陋且非Rx。 I believe there must be a proper way to deal with it as it is a very fundamental problem working with Variable . 我相信必须有一种适当的方法来处理它,因为使用Variable是一个非常基本的问题。

I would really appreciate your thoughts on the same. 我真的很感谢您对同样的想法。

First of all, Variable is deprecated in RxSwift 4.x in favor of BehaviorRelay . 首先,在RxSwift 4.x中不推荐使用Variable,而推荐使用BehaviorRelay

But for your purpose, PublishSubject or BehaviorSubject (if you need to cache the latest value) should suffice. 但是出于您的目的, PublishSubjectBehaviorSubject (如果您需要缓存最新值)就足够了。

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