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如何在Azure Service Fabric上动态启动长时间运行的服务的多个实例

[英]How to launch multiple instance of a long running service on Azure Service Fabric dynamically

I am very new to Azure Service Fabric. 我是Azure Service Fabric的新手。

My scenario is that I have a long-running service that I need to launch/stop multiple instances dynamically, and the launch should be non-block. 我的情况是我有一个长期运行的服务,需要动态启动/停止多个实例,并且启动应该是非阻塞的。 Each of the instance will process 1 data entry independently. 每个实例将独立处理1个数据输入。 For example: 例如:

Say I have a weather service that keeps pulling weather data for each city, and is long-running. 假设我有一个气象服务,可以持续获取每个城市的天气数据,并且运行时间很长。 And I have a list of cities that can change. 我有一个可以更改的城市列表。 So, I want to do the following thing: 因此,我想做以下事情:

var weatherSvcList = new List...
var currentCities = [];
while (true) 
    var newCities = FetchCities();

    var addedCities = newCities.Except(currentCities);
    weatherSvcList  = LaunchSvc(addedCities); // launch and return, non-blocking

    var removedCities = currentCities.Except(newCities);
    weatherSvcList  = StopSvc(removedCities);

    weatherSvcList  = RelaunchErrorSvc(cities);

    currentCities = newCities;

I've looked into Actor model, but seems like Actors are not suited for long-running task, and also it's hard to start/stop them. 我已经研究了Actor模型,但似乎Actor不适合长时间运行的任务,而且很难启动/停止它们。 Any idea what service/programming model I should use? 知道我应该使用哪种服务/编程模型?

Consider using a task queue here. 考虑在此处使用任务队列。

When called, the Weather Service would en-queue a task to pull weather data. 当被调用时,天气服务将排队任务以提取天气数据。 It would also run an infinite loop ( RunAsync ), this loop de-queues and executes tasks. 它还将运行一个无限循环( RunAsync ),该循环使队RunAsync队并执行任务。

This way the service calls will return quickly, while the work is performed in the background. 这样,服务调用将在后台执行的同时迅速返回。

Some code for inspirational purposes here . 一些代码,鼓舞人心的目的这里

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