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AWS OpsWorks 与 CloudFormation

[英]AWS OpsWorks vs CloudFormation

I want to understand the exact limitations of OpsWorks - things that we simply may not be able to do or not optimally.我想了解OpsWorks 的确切局限性——我们可能无法做到或无法达到最佳状态的事情。 That would require to go to the next level - CloudFormation.这将需要 go 到下一个级别 - CloudFormation。 Of course we can use OpsWorks + CloudFormation - get best of both worlds - a best practice.当然,我们可以使用 OpsWorks + CloudFormation - 两全其美 - 最佳实践。

Some limitations of OpsWorks that I am aware of are - it cant provision everything - like EMR, S3 etc - but have never found on exhaustive list .我知道 OpsWorks 的一些限制是 - 它无法提供所有东西 - 例如 EMR、S3 等 - 但从未在详尽的列表中找到 Also OpsWorks the AutoScaling configuration has limitations. OpsWorks 的 AutoScaling 配置也有限制。 And CloudFormation lets us version control the environment unlike OpsWorks.与 OpsWorks 不同,CloudFormation 让我们可以对环境进行版本控制。 Do understand that there is good amount of overlap and CloudFormation does add to complexity.请理解有大量的重叠,而 CloudFormation 确实增加了复杂性。

There was a previous discussion but the demarcations were not made clear.之前有过讨论,但没有明确分界线。

OpsWorks is a totally different service from CloudFormation. OpsWorks是与CloudFormation完全不同的服务。

OpsWorks is focused at managing applications layered as stacks, and taking advantadge of chef recipes for setting up and deploying applications. OpsWorks专注于管理作为堆栈分层的应用程序,并利用厨师的食谱来设置和部署应用程序。

CloudFormation is a descriptive language to create sets of AWS infrastructure. CloudFormation是一种用于创建AWS基础架构集的描述性语言。

It may look obvious, but the thing is that whenever you prefer to manage an application and its deployment cycle, the OpsWorks service is better suited. 看起来似乎很明显,但事实是,每当您希望管理应用程序及其部署周期时,OpsWorks服务都更适合。 You can of course use cloud formation to define entire applications and layers in OpsWorks and that will allow you to replicate entire applications layer sets (for test environments and so) 当然,您可以使用云形成来定义OpsWorks中的整个应用程序和层,这将允许您复制整个应用程序层集(用于测试环境等)。

The only good way to learn the boundaries of every service is using them for your needs, then you will find where Opsworks is strong and where Cloudformation complements or allows you to automate your Opsworks setups. 了解每种服务的边界的唯一好方法是使用它们来满足您的需求,然后您将发现Opsworks的优势所在,以及Cloudformation在哪里补充或使您的Opsworks设置自动化。

About versioning, CF lets you version the infrastructure stack, which may have nothing to do with the version of code that you are managing through opsworks. 关于版本控制,CF使您可以对基础结构堆栈进行版本控制,这可能与您通过opsworks管理的代码版本无关。

regards 问候

In many cases CloudFormation is used with OpsWorks;在许多情况下,CloudFormation 与 OpsWorks 一起使用; where CloudFormation is used to provision the infrastructure and OpsWorks to configure the resources created.其中 CloudFormation 用于配置基础架构,OpsWorks 用于配置创建的资源。 OpsWorks (via Chef or Puppet) provides a richer set of abilities when it comes to configuring the application stack then the simple shell scripting offered by CloudFormation. OpsWorks(通过 Chef 或 Puppet)在配置应用程序堆栈时提供了一组更丰富的功能,然后是 CloudFormation 提供的简单 shell 脚本。 So, generally CloudFormation is used to deploy AWS resources, and OpsWorks is used to do the detailed configuration of the application(s)/operating system(s).因此,通常 CloudFormation 用于部署 AWS 资源,而 OpsWorks 用于对应用程序/操作系统进行详细配置。

In some ways one can say that CloudFormation is focused more with a collection of AWS infrastructure resources rather than the application itself;在某些方面,可以说 CloudFormation 更侧重于 AWS 基础设施资源的集合,而不是应用程序本身。 but as you have alluded to some things can be done by both services interchangeably.但是正如您所暗示的那样,两种服务可以互换地完成某些事情。

This AWS link may help where it states:AWS 链接可能有助于它指出:

“Compared to AWS CloudFormation, AWS OpsWorks Stacks supports a narrower range of application-oriented AWS resource types including Amazon EC2 instances, Amazon EBS volumes, Elastic IPs, and Amazon CloudWatch metrics.” “与 AWS CloudFormation 相比,AWS OpsWorks Stacks 支持范围更窄的面向应用程序的 AWS 资源类型,包括 Amazon EC2 实例、Amazon EBS 卷、弹性 IP 和 Amazon CloudWatch 指标。”

and this is certainly not a limitation for CloudFormation.这当然不是 CloudFormation 的限制。

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