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[英]Why my session value changed for a particular value?

Can someone help understand why my session value changed for a particular value, 03375? 有人可以帮助理解为什么我的会话值更改为特定值03375吗?

My MVC controller code: 我的MVC控制器代码:

Session["something"] = "03375";

My view js code: 我的视图js代码:


Result: js alerts 1789. Why??? 结果:js警报1789。为什么?

It works for other values except. 它适用于其他值。 Here is a fiddle https://dotnetfiddle.net/zLdyO8 这是一个小提琴https://dotnetfiddle.net/zLdyO8

This has nothing to do with asp.net session. 这与asp.net会话无关。 If you do this in your page 如果您在页面中执行此操作


You will get 1789 你会得到1789

Why is this happening ? 为什么会这样呢?

Because when browser's javascript runtime sees a number starting with 0 prefix, it thinks it is octal representation of the number. 因为当浏览器的javascript运行时看到以0前缀开头的数字时,它会认为它是数字的八进制表示形式。 In fact 03375 is the octal equivalent of 1789 . 实际上033751789的八进制等效项 So your browser is basically converting the octal value to it's decimal equivalent and giving you 1789 ( browsers usually parse the number to decimal representation ) 因此,您的浏览器基本上将八进制值转换为其等效的十进制值,并给您1789浏览器通常将数字解析为十进制表示形式

From mdn , 来自mdn

Note that decimal literals can start with a zero (0) followed by another decimal digit, but if every digit after the leading 0 is smaller than 8, the number gets parsed as an octal number. 请注意,十进制文字可以以零(0)开头,后跟另一个十进制数字,但是如果前导0之后的每个数字都小于8,则该数字将被解析为八进制数字。

This means, if you are trying 这意味着,如果您正在尝试


It will print, 9375 !!! 它将打印出9375 !!!

To handle your case, the ideal solution is to set the correct type value. 要处理您的情况,理想的解决方案是设置正确的类型值。 For example, if you are passing a numeric value, simply set the numeric value instead of the string version with leading zero.. 例如,如果要传递数字值,则只需设置数字值,而不是前导零的字符串版本。

Session["something"] = "3375";

Or even better 甚至更好

Session["something"] = 3375;

Then in the client side, 然后在客户端,


If you absolutely want to keep the 0 prefix, while setting the session value, but you want the value as number at client side, you can read it in a string and then use parseInt to convert it to a number type 如果您绝对要在设置会话值时保留0前缀,但希望将该值作为客户端的数字,则可以在字符串中读取它,然后使用parseInt将其转换为数字类型

var r = '@Session["something"].ToString()';
alert(r);  // the string with leading 0
var n = parseInt(r);
alert(n);  // the number


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