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在 vuejs 应用程序中集成 openlayers

[英]Integrate openlayers in vuejs application

Has anyone have any experience in integrating Openlayers in a Vuejs application?有没有人有在 Vuejs 应用程序中集成 Openlayers 的经验?

I need to display some layers on a Vuejs app.我需要在 Vuejs 应用程序上显示一些图层。


Yes, I'm currently rewriting an existing application with Vuejs and OpenLayers 4. The app has forms and an almost-fullscreen map (similar to google map's routing feature).是的,我目前正在使用 Vuejs 和 OpenLayers 4 重写现有应用程序。该应用程序具有表单和几乎全屏的地图(类似于谷歌地图的路由功能)。

The OL npm lib exposes OpenLayers as ES2015 files, which works nicely with common vuejs setups. OL npm 库将 OpenLayers 公开为 ES2015 文件,与常见的 vuejs 设置很好地配合使用。 I created a wrapper component which initializes the map object in mounted() and stores it as a property.我创建了一个包装器组件,它在mounted()中初始化地图对象并将其存储为属性。

OL won't pick up propagated changes on your component's properties, so you might need to use watchers on the properties (or event handlers) to call OL functions whenever something changes. OL 不会获取组件属性上的传播更改,因此您可能需要在属性(或事件处理程序)上使用观察程序,以便在发生更改时调用 OL 函数。

One issue I had was map disortion when sidepanels opened/closed and therefore changed the map's viewport.我遇到的一个问题是当侧面板打开/关闭时地图失真,因此改变了地图的视口。 Listening to an event and calling map.updateSize() solved that.监听事件并调用map.updateSize()解决了这个问题。

There is even a OL plugin for vuejs, vuejs-openlayers .甚至还有一个用于 vuejs 的 OL 插件vuejs-openlayers I didn't test it though, since integrating OL was quite easy anyway.不过我没有测试它,因为无论如何集成 OL 都很容易。

You could use this Vue.js UI library that integrates Openlayers with Vue.js which is called VueLayers :您可以使用this Vue.js UI library ,它将 Openlayers 与 Vue.js 集成在一起,称为VueLayers


npm install vuelayers


import Vue from 'vue'
import VueLayers from 'vuelayers'
import 'vuelayers/lib/style.css' // needs css-loader


// or individual components

import Vue from 'vue'
import { Map, TileLayer, OsmSource, Geoloc } from 'vuelayers'
import 'vuelayers/lib/style.css' // needs css-loader


Here is a simple example of an OL map inside a Vue component:这是 Vue 组件中的 OL 映射的简单示例:

  <div id="mapOL">
    Hi, i'm a map!

  import Map from 'ol/Map.js';
  import View from 'ol/View.js';
  import TileLayer from 'ol/layer/Tile.js'  
  import OSM from "ol/source/OSM"

  export default {
    name: "map-openlayers",
    mounted() {
      let map = new Map({
        target: 'mapOL',
        layers: [
          new TileLayer({source: new OSM()})
        view: new View({
          center: [0, 0],
          zoom: 2

<style scoped lang="stylus">
  @import "~ol/ol.css"
    height 300px

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