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[英]PM2 port number express app

ecosystem.config.js ecosystem.config.js

module.exports = {
   * Application configuration section
   * http://pm2.keymetrics.io/docs/usage/application-declaration/
  apps : [

    // First application
      name      : 'cms_stage',
      script    : 'www',
      env: {
        COMMON_VARIABLE: 'true',
        PORT: 3001,
        NODE_ENV: 'staging'

I have an express app when i start with PORT=3001 node www , it works. 当我从PORT=3001 node www开始时,我有一个快速应用程序,它可以工作。 But with pm2 above config it doesn't. 但是上面的pm2却没有。 pm2 show started but it is not listening to 3001 pm2节目已开始,但未收听3001

I tried running PORT=3001 pm2 start cms_stage , pm2 start cms_stage and pm2 start ecosystem.config.js . 我尝试运行PORT=3001 pm2 start cms_stagepm2 start cms_stagepm2 start cms_stage pm2 start ecosystem.config.js

reading port number like this app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 3000) in app.js 在app.js中读取类似于此app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 3000)端口号

在用pm2 kill杀死pm2之后工作了

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