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将类对象指针传递给默认构造函数(C ++子例程)

[英]Passing a class object pointer to default constructor (C++ Subroutines)

I am working on an assignment that involves making a class called Sub that will represent subroutines. 我正在做一个涉及创建名为Sub的类的工作,该类将代表子例程。 This class will include a constructor with four arguments: name (a string), a pointer to its static parent object , number of arguments, and number of variables. 此类将包含一个带有四个参数的构造函数:名称(字符串),指向其静态父对象的指针,参数数量和变量数量。

If the static parent pointer is NULL then the object does not have a parent. 如果静态父指针为NULL,则该对象没有父。 I am stuck on how I can pass a pointer as one of the arguments to the constructor especially if I want the pointer to be NULL in order to represent the first subroutine. 我一直在坚持如何将指针作为构造函数的参数之一传递,特别是如果我希望指针为NULL以表示第一个子例程时,尤其如此。 This is what I have so far: 这是我到目前为止的内容:

class Sub
    Sub(); //constructor
    Sub::Sub(string sName, Sub &sParent, int sNumberofArguments, int sNumberofLocalVariables); // default constructor

    string name;
    Sub * parent;
    int numberOfArguments;
    int numberOfLocalVariables;

... ...

Sub::Sub(string sName, Sub &sParent, int sNumberofArguments, int sNumberofLocalVariables)
    name = sName;
    parent = &sParent;
    numberOfArguments = sNumberofArguments;
    numberOfLocalVariables = sNumberofLocalVariables;

... ...

int main(){
    Sub first("first", NULL, 4, 5); //ERROR
    Sub second("second", first, 3, 6); 

让您的构造函数使用Sub *而不是Sub & ,或者使其他构造函数不使用Sub &并在内部将parent设置为nullptr。

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