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[英]Replacing an underscore with a user entered character (In C)

This is for Homework 这是为了功课

I have to program a game of TicTacToe and the only issue I have left is formatting. 我必须编写一个TicTacToe游戏,而我剩下的唯一问题就是格式化。 Here is my function for the matrix where the user and computer have to enter their O's and X's in. 这是我的矩阵函数,用户和计算机必须在其中输入O和X。

void the_matrix() { // Like the movie
//Get rid of the underscores 

 int m;

printf("The current state of the board:\n");
 for (m = 0; m < 3; m++) {
printf("%c_ %c_ %c_\n", table[m][0], table[m][1], table[m][2]);

So the project calls for the compiler to display the game like this(I'm only showing what the first row should look like on this post for simplicity.): 因此,该项目要求编译器以这种方式显示游戏(为简单起见,我仅显示本文第一行的外观):

"_ _ _" [Ignore the quotation marks] “ _ _ _” [忽略引号]

then the user enter 'O' for the (1,1) position 然后用户在(1,1)位置输入“ O”

O _ _. O _ _。

When I run my program it looks like this 当我运行程序时,它看起来像这样

O_ _ _ O_ _ _

I know why the program's doing that, it's because my printf statement set it up to be that way. 我知道程序为什么要这样做,这是因为我的printf语句将其设置为这种方式。 But my question is how would I swap the underscore with an O or and X so the underscore wouldn't be displayed. 但是我的问题是我该如何将下划线替换为O或X,以便不显示下划线。

Any help would be appreicated! 任何帮助将不胜感激!

printf ("%c_") will print a character followed by an underscore. printf ("%c_")将打印一个字符,后跟一个下划线。

What you need is to printf ("%c") and the argument should decide if you print an O, and X, or an underscore. 您需要的是printf ("%c") ,该参数应决定您是否打印O,X和下划线。

On second thought, the easiest thing to do is probably to initialize your array to have _ in every space, and your logic should recognize that as "empty". 再次考虑,最简单的操作可能是将数组初始化为在每个空间中都包含_ ,并且您的逻辑应将其识别为“空”。 Then you can just print the character that appears in your array. 然后,您可以只打印出现在数组中的字符。

I'd distinguish the logic/state of the board from the way you display it. 我从显示方式上区分了电路板的逻辑/状态。 So the values of the board could have a clear meaning, like 0 for blank, 1 for player 1, and 2 for player 2, whereas the way you print it may be different then depending on whether you have a GUI or a terminal. 因此,电路板的值可能具有明确的含义,例如0表示空白, 1表示播放器2表示播放器2,但是打印方式可能会有所不同,具体取决于您是否具有GUI或终端。 And especially your algorithms will not depend on display issues, eg you will not have to change your algorithms just because you decide to display a blank field by a . 特别是您的算法将不依赖于显示问题,例如,您不必仅因为决定用来显示空白字段而更改算法. instead of a - : 而不是-

See the following code illustrating this approach: 请参见下面的代码说明此方法:

typedef enum {
    BLANK = 0,
    PLAYER1 = 1,
    PLAYER2 = 2
} BoardValue;

BoardValue table[3][3] = { BLANK };

char displayValue(int state) {
    return (state == PLAYER1 ? 'O' : (state == PLAYER2 ? 'X' : '-'));

void the_matrix() { // Like the movie
    //Get rid of the underscores

    int m;

    printf("The current state of the board:\n");
    for (m = 0; m < 3; m++) {
        printf("%c %c %c\n", displayValue(table[m][0]), displayValue(table[m][1]), displayValue(table[m][2]));

int main() {

    table[0][0] = PLAYER1;
    table[1][1] = PLAYER2;


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