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[英]How to resolve SimpleMembership adding advanced time for createddate(datetime)?

I have implemented Simple Membership for my app's login and User Profile. 我已经为我的应用程序的登录名和用户个人资料实现了简单成员资格。 The application is always creating membership records with createdon datetime stamp as 6 hours advanced. 该应用程序始终会在创建的日期时间戳记提前6个小时的情况下创建成员资格记录。

Please let me know how I can override the time settings of the membership records created in database since we are handling a specific time limit for the user's account activation. 请让我知道如何覆盖数据库中创建的成员资格记录的时间设置,因为我们正在处理用户帐户激活的特定时间限制。

I had actually identified that Simple Membership by default uses the UTC time and hence shown the difference from my posted time. 实际上,我已经确定默认情况下,“简单会员资格”使用的是UTC时间,因此显示了与我发布的时间的差异。 Hence we have added an adjustment with our time zone while using the time from Membership tables. 因此,在使用“成员资格”表中的时间时,我们对时区进行了调整。
I apologize for the late response. 抱歉,我的回复很晚。

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