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[英]C# pass parameter to delegate

Hello I have a little problem with C# syntax... 您好,我在使用C#语法时遇到了一些问题...

Right now I'm passing four parameters to a method called WriteConfig 现在,我将四个参数传递给称为WriteConfig的方法

 var task = fac.StartNew(() => { vault.WriteConfig(fileName, id, queue, DeleteUploadQueue); });

DeleteUploadQueue is a delegate and gets called with id as parameter inside WriteConfig . DeleteUploadQueue是一个委托,在WriteConfigid作为参数进行调用。 What I want to do is pass id to DeleteUploadQueue outside instead of inside WriteConfig so that I dont have to pass id to WriteConfig . 我想要做的就是通过idDeleteUploadQueue而不是外内WriteConfig让我不必通过idWriteConfig

WriteConfig looks like this: WriteConfig看起来像这样:

 public void WriteConfig(string fileName, int id, BlockingCollection<byte[]> queue, Action<int> deleteFunc)

But I cannot come up with the correct syntax for this. 但是我无法为此提供正确的语法。

Thank you for your help 谢谢您的帮助

Assuming you change the signature to this: 假设您将签名更改为此:

public void WriteConfig(string fileName, BlockingCollection<byte[]> queue, Action deleteFunc)

You could write 你可以写

var task = fac.StartNew(() => { vault.WriteConfig(fileName, queue,  ()=> DeleteUploadQueue(id)); });

sounds like you want 听起来像你想要的

var task = fac.StartNew(() => { vault.WriteConfig(fileName, id, queue,
    () => DeleteUploadQueue(id)); })

so if you also want to change WriteConfig to not take an int id , then you'll need to make the deleteFunc into Action instead of Action<int> , so: 所以,如果你想改变WriteConfig不采取int id ,那么你就需要让deleteFuncAction ,而不是Action<int> ,所以:

public void WriteConfig(string fileName, BlockingCollection<byte[]> queue,
    Action deleteFunc)


var task = fac.StartNew(() => { vault.WriteConfig(fileName, queue,
    () => DeleteUploadQueue(id)); })

You´re looking from the whrong point. 您正在从错误的角度出发。 You should provide the arguments for the delegate when you´re calling it, not when you´re defining it. 您应该在调用委托时提供委托的参数,而不是在定义委托时提供参数。 I suppose this happens within your WriteConfig -method: 我想这是在您的WriteConfig方法中发生的:

WriteConfig(string fileName, int id, BlockingCollection<byte[]> queue, Action<int> deleteFunc)
    /* ... */
    deleteFunc(id) <------- provide your args here

Providing the parameter to your delegate happens at the line marked with <------- . 将参数提供给您的代表发生在标有<-------的行上。 Yimply provide the id : 只需提供id


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