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[英]Need to get dynamic count of the selected check-boxes

I'm having the two types of check-boxes one is for selectAll check-box in the data table header, and another type selecting the check-box for each row. 我有两种类型的复选框,一种是数据表标题中的selectAll复选框,另一种是选择每一行的复选框。

I'm doing a operation, So I need to show the confirmation message, How do I get the count of the selected check-boxes from the Managed Bean. 我正在做一个操作,因此我需要显示确认消息,如何从托管Bean中获取所选复选框的计数。

My code was written in JSF 1.2. 我的代码是用JSF 1.2编写的。

I can able to do select all records, select records, ManagedBean is working fine, But I need to get how many of them got selected for deletion. 我可以选择所有记录,选择记录,ManagedBean工作正常,但是我需要选择其中的几个进行删除。 Here is the JSF code, 这是JSF代码,

<i:commandLink id="delete" 
    onclick="if (!confirm('#{managedBean.deleteSelectedCount}')) return false;"
    title="Delete records"
    <i:graphicImage url="images/icons/delete.gif" alt="Delete records" />
 ;//Some coding
 //Data table code starts
 <i:dataTable id="caseDataTable"

    <f:facet name="header">                             
        <i:selectBooleanCheckbox id="selectAllRecords" title="select All records" 
                <a4j:support event="onclick"  reRender="caseDataTable,globalMessages" action="#{managedBean.actionSelectAllRecordss}"                                                           onsubmit="showBusyIndicator();" oncomplete="hideBusyIndicator();" />
    <h:outputLabel for="selectCheckbox" value="selectCheckbox"/>
        <i:selectBooleanCheckbox id="selectCheckbox" 
            title="select a record" value="#{managedBean.selected}" >
                <a4j:support event="onclick" reRender="selectAllRecords, globalMessages" action="#{managedBean.actionSelectionChange}"
                  onsubmit="showBusyIndicator();"  oncomplete="hideBusyIndicator();"/>

Possible solution is to use h:inputHidden component (I think it exists in JSF 1.2. If not, you can find some alternative). 可能的解决方案是使用h:inputHidden组件(我认为它存在于JSF 1.2中。如果没有,则可以找到一些替代方法)。

For example 例如

  1. Add h:inputHidden to the page h:inputHidden添加到页面

     <h:inputHidden id="selectedCountHidden" value="#{managedBean.deleteSelectedCount}"/> 
  2. Each time you click on header check box or any of row check boxes , calculate deleteSelectedCount value and re-render h:inputHidden . 每次单击标题复选框或任何行复选框时deleteSelectedCount计算deleteSelectedCount值并重新呈现h:inputHidden Something like 就像是

     <i:selectBooleanCheckbox id="selectCheckbox" title="select a record" value="#{managedBean.selected}" > <a4j:support event="onclick" reRender="...,selectedCountHidden,..." 
  3. And now, since h:inputHidden will always hold deleteSeletedCount value, you can read its value via java script so there is no need for re-loading the page when you click on commandLink 现在,由于h:inputHidden将始终保留deleteSeletedCount值,因此您可以通过Java脚本读取其值,因此在单击commandLink时无需重新加载页面

     <i:commandLink id="delete" onclick="if(!confirm(document.getElementById('form:selectedCountHidden').value))return false;"..../> 

Note that if you have form with id defined, you will need to call 请注意,如果您有定义了id表单,则需要调用


Otherwise just call 否则就打电话


In any case, inspect page source and you will find the exact id of p:inputHidden . 无论如何,请检查页面源,您将找到p:inputHidden的确切id

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