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[英]Creating a custom grok pattern in Logstash

I'm trying to add a custom pattern to Logstash in order to capture data from this kind of log line: 我正在尝试向Logstash添加自定义模式,以便从这种日志行捕获数据:

[2017-11-27 12:08:22] production.INFO: {"upload duration":0.16923}

I followed the instructions on Logstash guide for grok and created a directory called patterns with a file in it called extra that contain: 我按照Logstash指南中grok的说明进行操作,并创建了一个名为patterns的目录,其中包含一个名为extra的文件,其中包含:


and added the path to the config file: 并将路径添加到配置文件:

grok {
        patterns_dir => ["./patterns"]
        match => { "message" => "\[%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}\] %{POSTFIX_UPLOAD_DURATION: upload_duration} %{DATA:log_env}\.%{LOGLEVEL:severity}: %{GREEDYDATA:log_message}" }

However, I'm getting this error message: 但是,我收到此错误消息:

Pipeline aborted due to error {:exception=>#<Grok::PatternError: pattern %{POSTFIX_UPLOAD_DURATION: upload_duration} not defined>

Also, some log lines don't contain the 'upload duration' field, will this break the pipeline? 另外,某些日志行不包含“上载持续时间”字段,这会中断管道吗?


I found out that there is better and more efficint way to capture data using the json plugin. 我发现,使用json插件可以更好,更有效地捕获数据。

I've add "log_payload:" in my logs and insert the data I need to capture in a json object. 我在日志中添加了“ log_payload:”,并将需要捕获的数据插入到json对象中。 Then I've used this pipeline to capture it. 然后,我使用了该管道来捕获它。

 if ("log_payload:" in [log_message]) {
            match => {"log_message" => 'log_payload:%{DATA:json_object}}%{GREEDYDATA}'}
            update => ["json_object", "%{[json_object]}}"]
        json {
           source => "json_object"
     mutate {
                remove_field => ["log_message", "json_object"]

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