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[英]HTML and JavaScript - How do you add a click event to a div

I've been following examples but my fiddle isn't working. 我一直在跟踪示例,但我的小提琴无法正常工作。 Here is the code: 这是代码:

  var showMessage; var divTag = document.getElementById("myDiv"); divTag.onClick = showMessage(); showMessage = function() { alert("You clicked me."); } 
 <div id="myDiv" style="height: 100px; width: 100px; background-color: pink;"> </div> 

I'm probably missing something stupid but I cannot see it. 我可能缺少一些愚蠢的东西,但我看不到它。 I read out here that it is possible to put a click event on a div. 我在这里读出,可以在div上放置click事件。 Anybody know what I am doing wrong? 有人知道我在做什么错吗?

PS Yeah, I don't know how to decipher or fix the error. PS:是的,我不知道如何解密或修复错误。

Change your JS to this: 将您的JS更改为此:

function showMessage() {
  alert("You clicked me.");

var divTag = document.getElementById("myDiv");
divTag.addEventListener('click', showMessage);

Your code: divTag.onClick = showMessage(); 您的代码: divTag.onClick = showMessage(); was calling the response of the function showMessage instead of the function. 正在调用函数showMessage而不是函数的响应。

showMessage was called and its return value ( undefined ) is what you passed to the onClick property. showMessage被调用,并且其返回值( undefined )是您传递给onClick属性的内容。

Minor issue: If you want this page to be used by Blind users that use a screen reader it would be better to use a <button> or an <a> tag. 次要问题:如果要让使用屏幕阅读器的盲人用户使用此页面,最好使用<button><a>标记。 Either that or you need to emulate all of the things needed to get the screen readers to work correctly. 要么,要么您需要模拟使屏幕阅读器正常工作所需的所有东西。

You had several problems: 您遇到了几个问题:

  • You defined "showMessage" as an empty variable, then tried to call it as a function, then defined it as a function. 您将“ showMessage”定义为一个空变量,然后尝试将其调用为一个函数,然后将其定义为一个函数。
  • onClick is not the same thing as onclick . onClickonclick是不同的东西。
  • You invoked showMessage when trying to assign it to the onclick event, instead of assigning the function itself you ended up assigning its (empty) return value. 尝试将showMessage分配给onclick事件时,您调用了showMessage,而不是分配了函数本身,而是最终分配了它的(空)返回值。

Here is the corrected version of your code: 这是您的代码的更正版本:

  showMessage = function() { alert("You clicked me."); } var divTag = document.getElementById("myDiv"); divTag.onclick = showMessage; 
 <div id="myDiv" style="height: 100px; width: 100px; background-color: pink;"></div> 

That's vanilla JS. 那是香草JS。 Since the question is also tagged "jQuery", here's the jQuery version of the same thing: 由于该问题也被标记为“ jQuery”,因此这是同一件事的jQuery版本:

$('#myDiv').on("click",function() {alert("you clicked me")}); 

Since you've tagged jQuery I'll just give you the jQuery solution: 既然您已经标记了jQuery,我就给您jQuery解决方案:


But make sure you set the showMessage function before (above) that jQuery click event binding. 但是,请确保在jQuery click事件绑定之前(上方)设置showMessage函数。

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