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[英]Loading files from directory from user

I'm trying to load a lot of files from a directory. 我正在尝试从目录中加载很多文件。 I used to be able to do it by having this 我曾经可以通过这样做

#directory where all data will be stored
Files=[] #list of files
for file in os.listdir(dataDir):

But now, I'm trying to have the user select the folder so I have this: 但是现在,我正在尝试让用户选择文件夹,所以我需要这样做:

import tkinter
from tkinter import filedialog
from tkinter import *

filename=filedialog.askdirectory(parent=root,title='Choose a file')
print (filename)

#directory where all data will be stored
Files=[] #list of files
for file in os.listdir(dataDir):

and it is giving me this error: "for file in os.listdir(dataDir): TypeError: listdir: path should be string, bytes, os.PathLike or None, not tuple) 它给了我这个错误:“对于os.listdir(dataDir)中的文件:TypeError:listdir:路径应为字符串,字节,os.PathLike或None,而不是元组)

I tried making filename into a string by doing str(filename), and it still wouldn't work. 我尝试通过执行str(filename)将filename制成字符串,但仍然无法正常工作。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

When you define dataDir = ('%s', filename) you are creating a tuple with two elements. 当定义dataDir = ('%s', filename)您将创建一个包含两个元素的元组。 One is '%s' and the other the value of filename . 一个是'%s' ,另一个是filename的值。

If I understand correctly you shoud use dataDir = '%s' % filename . 如果我理解正确,则应该使用dataDir = '%s' % filename That way dataDir will be a string with the value of filename . 这样, dataDir将是一个具有filename值的字符串。

You create tuple in command 您在命令中创建元组


and you use it in listdir(dataDir) which expect string 然后在listdir(dataDir)字符串的listdir(dataDir)使用它

Use filename directly in listdir 直接在listdir使用filename

 for file in os.listdir(filename):

The error states that the path you give listdir should be a str and that you gave it a tuple . 该错误指出,您给listdir的路径应该是str ,并且给了它一个tuple

With dataDir=('%s',filename) , dataDir is a tuple containing two strings. 如果dataDir=('%s',filename) ,则dataDir是一个包含两个字符串的元组。 However, filename is already a str . 但是,filename已经是一个str Instead of os.listdir(dataDir) , try os.listdir(filename) . 尝试使用os.listdir(filename)代替os.listdir(dataDir) os.listdir(filename)

You will need to import os . 您将需要import os

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