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如何在 Xamarin.iOS 项目中使用 Google 地图

[英]How can I use Google Maps in Xamarin.iOS project

I want to use Google Maps in my Xamarin.iOS project, I couldn't find any package in NuGet store that could help to implement Google Maps in my project.我想在我的 Xamarin.iOS 项目中使用谷歌地图,我在 NuGet 商店中找不到任何可以帮助在我的项目中实现谷歌地图的包。

I want to get my current location and show customized pins on locations that I get from the server.我想获取我的当前位置并在我从服务器获得的位置上显示自定义的引脚。

Nuget package Xamarin.Google.iOS.Maps is a Xamarin.iOS binding library for "Google Maps SDK for iOS". Nuget 包Xamarin.Google.iOS.Maps是“Google Maps SDK for iOS”的 Xamarin.iOS 绑定库。

PM> Install-Package Xamarin.Google.iOS.Maps -Version

Google's Maps SDK for iOS documentation:适用于 iOS 的 Google Maps SDK 文档:

Re: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/ios-sdk/回复: https : //developers.google.com/maps/documentation/ios-sdk/

C# Source with samples:带有示例的 C# 源代码:

Re: https://github.com/xamarin/GoogleApisForiOSComponents/tree/master/source/Google/Maps回复: https : //github.com/xamarin/GoogleApisForiOSComponents/tree/master/source/Google/Maps

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