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如何验证子组件 NgForms 与 Angular4 中的父组件有 3 个不同的 NgForm

[英]How to validate the child component NgForms having 3 different NgForm from the parent component in Angular4

I have a scenario where I am accessing two different NgForms one within Parent form #parentform and other in the Child component #childForm & #childForm1, and i want to check the validity of the controls of child form wether valid or not in parent component form.我有一个场景,我正在访问两个不同的 NgForms,一个在父表单#parentform 中,另一个在子组件#childForm & #childForm1 中,我想检查子表单控件的有效性在父组件表单中是否有效. How to do this in angular4.如何在 angular4 中做到这一点。

I also followed this link: Check if a form is valid from a parent component using Angular 4我还点击了这个链接: Check a form is valid from a parent component using Angular 4

everytime i am getting undefined for the reference of child component form.每次我都未定义子组件表单的引用时。

My code is something like this.我的代码是这样的。


    <form class="form-wrapper" (ngSubmit)="parentForm.form.valid && save()" #parentForm="ngForm" novalidate>
        <input id="firstName" type="text" placeholder="" class="validate" name="firstName" [(ngModel)]="firstname_" #firstName="ngModel"                         required>


  <form class="form-wrapper" (ngSubmit)="childForm.form.valid && save()" #childForm="ngForm" novalidate>
            <input id="phoneNumber" type="text" placeholder="" class="validate" name="phoneNumber" [(ngModel)]="phone_" #phoneNumber="ngModel"                       required>

 <form class="form-wrapper" (ngSubmit)="childForm1.form.valid && save()" #childForm1="ngForm" novalidate>
            <input id="mobileNumber" type="text" placeholder="" class="validate" name="mobileNumber" [(ngModel)]="mobile_" #mobileNumber="ngModel" required>

Now i want to validate the child component form "childForm" & "childForm1" valid or not in parent form.现在我想验证子组件表单“childForm”和“childForm1”在父表单中是否有效。

Same is reproduced at https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-cjorjz ...同样转载于https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-cjorjz ...

So what you want, is to pass the parentForm.form.status to the child with an @Input() .所以你想要的是通过@Input()parentForm.form.status传递给孩子。

In parent html:在父 html 中:

<child-component [parent]="parentForm.form.status"></child-component>

Then in your child:然后在你的孩子:

@Input() parent: any;
private boolean: boolean = false;

ngOnChanges(changes: any) {
  if(changes.dataSet.currentValue === 'VALID'){
    this.boolean = true;
  else { this.boolean = false; }

And to check it console.log(this.boolean) it or put {{boolean}} in html.并检查它console.log(this.boolean)它或将{{boolean}}放在 html 中。 Or childForm.form.valid && save() && boolean in html.或者childForm.form.valid && save() && boolean


To send the validation back:发回验证:

In the child component you have to tigger the @Output() so use a change event on the html:在子组件中,您必须触发 @Output() 以便在 html 上使用更改事件:

@Output valid: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter<any>();

private checkValid(_childForm: string){
  if(_childForm === 'VALID'){
  else { this.valid.emit(false);

In html to all your child formsfield:在 html 中发送到您所有的子表单域:


In your parent html:在您的父 html 中:

<child-component [parent]="parentForm.form.status" (valid)="setValidChild($event)"></child-component>

In the parent component:在父组件中:

private childBoolean: boolean= false;

private setValidChild(_boolean: boolean){
  this.childBoolean = _boolean;

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