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[英]How to extend specific file of a third-party bundle in Symfony application?

So I have this website that uses ezPublish (which itself is based on Symfony 2.8). 因此,我有一个使用ezPublish的网站(其本身基于Symfony 2.8)。

To make it simple, I have this one file BinaryContent.php which contains the class BinaryContent located at : 为简单BinaryContent.php ,我有一个文件BinaryContent.php ,其中包含位于以下位置的类BinaryContent

/vendor/ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel/eZ/Publish/Core/REST/Server/Controller where / is the root of the project (which contains app/ , src/ , web/ folders and so on). /vendor/ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel/eZ/Publish/Core/REST/Server/Controller ,其中/是项目的根目录(包含app/src/web/文件夹等)。

I intend to alter BinaryContent.php to implement my own specific logic in a given method. 我打算更改BinaryContent.php以在给定方法中实现我自己的特定逻辑。 I choose, in that way, to override this file by extending the bundle. 我选择通过扩展捆绑包覆盖此文件。

Therefore: 因此:

  • I tried to extend the bundle as per the Symfony documentation but it cleary states that: 我尝试根据Symfony文档扩展捆绑包,但明确指出:

    Overriding controllers in this way only works if the bundle refers to the controller using the standard FOSUserBundle:Registration:register syntax in routes and templates . 仅当捆绑包使用标准FOSUserBundle:Registration:register路由和模板中的语法引用控制器时,以这种方式覆盖控制器才有效 This is the best practice. 这是最佳做法。

I already know it doesn't. 我已经知道不是。

  • I have located in services.yml of this bundle that this class is registered as a service: 我已经将此类注册为services.yml的该捆绑包的services.yml中:
        class: "%ezpublish_rest.controller.binary_content.class%"
        parent: ezpublish_rest.controller.base
            - "@ezpublish.fieldType.ezimage.variation_service"

along with 随着

    ezpublish_rest.controller.binary_content.class: eZ\Publish\Core\REST\Server\Controller\BinaryContent

I therefore tried to register the same service with my own class to no avail. 因此,我尝试在我自己的课程中注册相同的服务,但无济于事。 When visiting the application, my own BinaryContent.php file is not executed (I intentionnaly left a parse error to make it clear). 访问该应用程序时,不会执行我自己的BinaryContent.php文件(我故意留下了一个解析错误以使其清晰可见)。

What should I do? 我该怎么办?

As per iainn's comment , here is how I try to override the service. 根据iainn的评论 ,这是我尝试覆盖服务的方式。

In my services.yml file: 在我的services.yml文件中:

        class: Smile\CoreBundle\Core\REST\Server\Controller\BinaryContent
        parent: ezpublish_rest.controller.base
            - "@ezpublish.fieldType.ezimage.variation_service"

My custom application bundle is called after the EzPublishCoreBundle in AppKernel.php . EzPublishCoreBundle中的AppKernel.php 之后,将调用我的自定义应用程序捆绑包。

Here's the definition of the BinaryContent class: 这是BinaryContent类的定义:

namespace Smile\CoreBundle\Core\REST\Server\Controller;

use eZ\Publish\Core\REST\Server\Controller\BinaryContent as BaseController;

class BinaryContent extends BaseController {}

Create a compiler pass which modifies the class of the service definition. 创建一个修改服务定义类的编译器通道。

final class ReplaceBundleServicePass implements CompilerPassInterface
    public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
        $serviceDefinition = $container->getDefinition('bundle_service');


Adding compiler passes and when it runs can be found in the official documentation: https://symfony.com/doc/current/components/dependency_injection/compilation.html#components-di-compiler-pass 可以在官方文档中找到添加编译器通行证及其运行时间: https//symfony.com/doc/current/components/dependency_injection/compilation.html#components-di-compiler-pass

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