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[英]Log4j2: Programmatically create file appender with timestamp in the filename

There is a possibility to create to add a timestamp to log4j2 logging files using [property] configuration: 可以使用[property]配置创建向log4j2日志文件添加时间戳的方法:

appender.FILE.type = FILE
appender.FILE.name = FILE
appender.FILE.fileName = file-with-date-${date:yyyy-MM-dd}.log
appender.FILE.layout.type = PatternLayout
appender.FILE.layout.pattern =[%p] %m%n

This will produce log files in the file-with-date-2017-11-30.log . 这将在file-with-date-2017-11-30.log生成日志文件。 How can I achieve the same behavior using programmatic configuration? 如何使用程序化配置实现相同的行为? This is what I have tried so far: 到目前为止,这是我尝试过的:

PatternLayout layout = PatternLayout.newBuilder()

FileAppender fileAppender = FileAppender.newBuilder()
        .withFileName( "file-with-date-${date:yyyy-MM-dd}.log")

But this produces the following file: file-with-date-${date:yyyy-MM-dd}.log . 但这会产生以下文件: file-with-date-${date:yyyy-MM-dd}.log So using properties configuration: a log file with current date is crated, using programmatically created appender ${date:yyyy-MM-dd}.log gets ignored. 因此,使用属性配置:使用程序创建的附加程序${date:yyyy-MM-dd}.log创建具有当前日期的日志文件。 ${date:yyyy-MM-dd}.log将被忽略。

Apparently StrSubstitutor can help in this situation. 显然, StrSubstitutor在这种情况下可以提供帮助。

final LoggerContext ctx = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false);
final Configuration config = ctx.getConfiguration();
String fileName = config.

FileAppender fileAppender = FileAppender.newBuilder()

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