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[英]Data class inheriting from Java class

I have a data class in Kotlin that inherits from a Java class, which defines a constructor with 1 argument, 我在Kotlin中有一个数据类,该数据类继承自Java类,该类定义了带有1个参数的构造函数,

public BaseClass(String userSessionId) {
    this.userSessionId = userSessionId;

My Kotlin class is defined as this 我的Kotlin班级定义为

class DerivedClass(
    userSessionId: String,
    var other: Other? = null
) : BaseClass(userSessionId) {

I can't define it as a data class because of userSessionId, which Kotlin requires to be a val or var in data classes. 由于userSessionId,我无法将其定义为数据类,Kotlin要求在数据类中将其设为val或var。 However, if I do so, then Retrofit throws an exception because there are 2 members named userSessionId. 但是,如果我这样做,则Retrofit会引发异常,因为有2个名为userSessionId的成员。 Is there a way to have a data class inherit from a Java class with a constructor taking arguments? 有没有办法让数据类从Java类继承,而构造函数接受参数呢? Note that I cannot change the base class. 请注意,我无法更改基类。

A possible solution is to define a dummy val to avoid the name clash, but this is less than ideal 一个可能的解决方案是定义一个虚拟val以避免名称冲突,但这不理想。

data class DerivedClass(
    val dummy: String,
    var other: Other? = null
) : BaseClass(dummy) {


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