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[英]Create a clickable image with Swing

I'm trying to create an image browser in Swing that will allow a user to select an image, and then click the right half of the image to advance to the next one, and click the left half to move to the previous one. 我正在尝试在Swing中创建一个图像浏览器,该浏览器将允许用户选择一个图像,然后单击图像的右半部分前进到下一个图像,然后单击左半部移动到上一个图像。

I tried to do this with MouseListeners, but MouseClicked would not register unless I used pack(); 我尝试使用MouseListeners进行此操作,但是除非使用pack();否则MouseClicked不会注册pack(); , but that caused my image to disappear unless I dragged the UI out. ,但这导致我的图片消失,除非将UI拖出。

This is the code that was used to display the image: 这是用于显示图像的代码:

class ImageFrame extends JFrame
    private final JFileChooser chooser;
    private BufferedImage image = null;
    int WIDTH = 1080; int HEIGHT = 620;

    // ==========================================
    // constructor

    public ImageFrame (int width, int height)
        // --------------------------------------
        // setup the frame's attributes
        this.setTitle("Image-P3 Player");
        this.setSize( width,height );

        // add a menu to the frame

        // --------------------------------------
        // setup the file chooser dialog

        chooser = new JFileChooser();
        chooser.setCurrentDirectory( new File( ".") );
    addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter()
        public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent e){
            System.out.println("Mouse clicked!");
            if(e.getButton() == 1){
                int x = e.getX();
                System.out.println("X: "+x);
                    System.out.println("Next image!");
                    System.out.println("Previous image!");
    } );

Then there was a JMenu that led to this series of methods: 然后有一个JMenu导致了这一系列方法:

private void open()
    File file = getFile();
    if( file != null)
        displayFile( file );

private File getFile()
    File file = null;

    if ( chooser.showOpenDialog( this ) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION )
        file = chooser.getSelectedFile();

    return file;

private void displayFile( File file )
//some code to resize the image to the JFrame's dimensions

// ------------------------------------------
// Display Buffered Image

public void displayBufferedImage( ImageIcon image )
    this.setContentPane( new JScrollPane( new JLabel( image  ) ) );


Is there a simple way to add the MouseListener to the JScrollPane or JLabel so that the image displayed in the GUI will register user clicks without throwing the components out of whack? 是否有一种简单的方法可以将MouseListener添加到JScrollPane或JLabel,以便GUI中显示的图像将注册用户单击,而不会导致组件混乱。

Thanks MadProgrammer, that did the trick. 感谢MadProgrammer,它成功了。 I initialized and instantiated JLabel with other variables at the top: 我在顶部用其他变量初始化和实例化了JLabel:

JLabel label = new JLabel();

And then used .setIcon(ImageIcon icon) on the JLabel in my displayBufferedImage method: 然后在我的displayBufferedImage方法中的JLabel上使用.setIcon(ImageIcon icon)

public void displayBufferedImage( ImageIcon image )
    this.setContentPane( new JScrollPane( label ) );


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