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[英]Extend an object without destroying nested object attributes?

I have an object with some nested objects, I want to extend the object and in some cases the nested objects will be returned as empty although I'd like to preserve these - can anyone recommend how I can do this? 我有一个带有一些嵌套对象的对象,我想扩展该对象,在某些情况下,尽管我想保留这些嵌套对象,但它们将返回为空-有人可以推荐我该怎么做吗?

    let myObject = {
    id: 1,
    configs: {
        track: true,
        pulse: false
    name: 'slider',
    position: 1

let updatedObject = Object.assign({}, myObject, {
    name: 'scroller',
    configs: {}

// outputs {id: 1, configs: {}, name: 'scroller', position: 1}

found this useful plugin https://www.npmjs.com/package/deepmerge 发现了这个有用的插件https://www.npmjs.com/package/deepmerge

You can use _.merge() method from Lodash. 您可以使用_.merge()方法。

 let myObject = { id: 1, configs: { track: true, pulse: false }, name: 'slider', position: 1 } var update = _.merge({}, myObject, { name: 'scroller', configs: {} }) console.log(update) 
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.4/lodash.js"></script> 

 let myObject = { id: 1, configs: { track: true, pulse: false }, name: 'slider', position: 1 } let updatedObject = shallowAssignNonEmptyProperties(Object.assign({}, myObject), { name: 'scroller', configs: {} })) function shallowAssignNonEmptyProperties(target, source) { for (const prop in source) { const newValue = source[prop] if (typeof newValue !== 'object' || Object.keys(newValue).length) { target[prop] = newValue } } } 

When we want to skip specific properties, Object.assign() or object spread won't work. 当我们想跳过特定属性时, Object.assign()object spread将不起作用。 If you want to come up with a solution, it requires to iterate the properties, inspect the type of them and decide if you want that value to be assigned over. 如果要提出解决方案,则需要迭代属性,检查属性的类型,然后确定是否要分配该值。

  • typeof newValue !== 'object' : we let pass values other than objects; typeof newValue !== 'object' :我们传递对象以外的值;
  • Object.keys(newValue).length : check if the object is empty or have any properties; Object.keys(newValue).length :检查对象是否为空或具有任何属性;

This one is pretty simple, although if you need deep assignment/merge, you'll use a lib (lodash) or recursively call this function. 这很简单,尽管如果需要深度分配/合并,则可以使用lib(破折号)或递归调用此函数。 It's up to you. 由你决定。

Nested properties are used as-is, they are not recursively assigned/merged. 嵌套属性按原样使用,不会递归分配/合并它们。 So the configs object is taken from the final argument of the assign(...) call (which is an empty object) and completely overrides the earlier values. 因此configs对象取自assign(...)调用的最后一个参数(它是一个空对象),并且完全覆盖了先前的值。

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