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Gradle-将JavaFX SDK添加到类路径

[英]Gradle - Add JavaFX SDK to classpath

I am using gradle in Eclipse , and my gradle.build is pretty basic (adds java plugin, sets repos and not alot more) and I am building a JavaFX program. 我在Eclipse中使用gradle ,并且gradle.build非常基本(添加了Java插件,设置了repos而不是更多),并且正在构建JavaFX程序。 All my code compiles and run correctly with my build scripts with 0 errors. 我的所有代码都可以编译,并且可以使用错误为0的构建脚本正常运行。

I am just annoyed at the fact when I add the JavaFX SDK to my build path libraries, I can see my project has it listed. 当我将JavaFX SDK添加到构建路径库中时,我很生气,我可以看到我的项目中列出了它。 When I sync my project with Gradle, gradle removes this SDK from my classpath file. 当我将我的项目与Gradle同步时,gradle将从我的类路径文件中删除此SDK。

What do I need to add to my build script to stop this from happening and gradle to normally inject it into my .classpath as it does with anything else I add? 我需要向构建脚本中添加什么以阻止这种情况的发生,并像将其与添加的其他内容一样,将其正常注入到.classpath中?

Cheers, 干杯,

PS I'm really new to gradle and groovy and this is my first 'project' working with it. 附注:我真的对gradle和groovy并不陌生,这是我的第一个“项目”。 Apart from this one annoyance, it's been smooth going. 除了这一烦恼之外,一切都很顺利。

Solved this issue: completely forgot classpath is todo witth eclipse and not java/gradle. 解决了这个问题:完全忘记了classpath是用Eclipse而不是Java / gradle做的。

Adding: 添加:

apply plugin: 'eclipse'

eclipse {
    classpath.containers 'org.eclipse.fx.ide.jdt.core.JAVAFX_CONTAINER'

to my gradle.build file solved this issue. 我的gradle.build文件解决了这个问题。

I actually found a solution for this via https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/javafxports/Fn92C5ysC60 'android forum' while looking up how I could automate the building of eclipse. 我实际上是通过https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/javafxports/Fn92C5ysC60'android forum'找到了一个解决方案,同时查找了如何使Eclipse的构建自动化。

Cheers if anyone looked into this. 如果有人对此打气,那就加油打气。

As a side note, as I was confused about this first: A JavaFX project is no different from a Java project and you don't need to specify the fact you're using JavaFX to your ide to be able to execute JavaFX code. 附带说明一下,我对此很困惑:JavaFX项目与Java项目没有什么不同,您无需指定要使用JavaFX的事实就可以执行JavaFX代码。 So I was confused why my IDE had a 'Start a new JavaFX project' and 'Start a new Gradle Project' but no JavaFX/Gradle project. 所以我很困惑,为什么我的IDE有一个“开始一个新的JavaFX项目”和“开始一个新的Gradle项目”,却没有JavaFX / Gradle项目。

You don't 'need' a JavaFX plugin like my project originally had either. 您不需要像我的项目最初那样拥有的JavaFX插件。

To solve your problem, you need JavaFX-Gradle-plugin , it's a plugin that enable JavaFX support on Gradle project. 要解决您的问题,您需要JavaFX-Gradle-plugin ,它是一个在Gradle项目上启用JavaFX支持的插件。

This is the link of plugin: https://github.com/FibreFoX/javafx-gradle-plugin , where you can find all infos and example... 这是插件的链接: https : //github.com/FibreFoX/javafx-gradle-plugin ,您可以在其中找到所有信息和示例...

All of you need is to start a new Gradle project, then add to your file build.gradle this code: 您所需要做的就是开始一个新的Gradle项目,然后将其添加到文件build.gradle这段代码:

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath group: 'de.dynamicfiles.projects.gradle.plugins', name: 'javafx-gradle-plugin', version: '8.8.2'
    repositories {
apply plugin: 'java'

repositories {

    // put here your project dependencies

apply plugin: 'javafx-gradle-plugin'

// these values are the examples and defaults
// you won't need them all

// configure javafx-gradle-plugin
jfx {

    // minimal requirement for jfxJar-task
    mainClass = 'YOUR.MAIN.CLASS'

    // minimal requirement for jfxNative-task
    vendor = 'YOUR NAME OR COMPANY'

    // some optional task
    jfxAppOutputDir = 'build'
    jfxMainAppJarName = 'YOUR APPLICATION NAME.jar'
    manifestAttributes = [
        "Specification-Version": 1.0,
        "Implementation-Version": 1,
        "Built-By": "YOUR NAME OR COMPANY",
    // for a full list of available settings, look the class "JavaFXGradlePluginExtension" on plugin project

This is the only plugin that I've found for use JavaFX with Gradle. 这是我发现将JavaFX与Gradle结合使用的唯一插件。 I'm working with Eclipse on project with same problem, and I've solved it a few days ago. 我正在使用Eclipse处理具有相同问题的项目,而几天前已经解决了。

Hope this help, 希望有帮助,


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