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在Java中尝试异常,try / catch块和单例

[英]Struggling with exceptions, try/catch block and singleton in Java

I am trying to learn to work with error handling/throwing exceptions in Java. 我正在尝试学习在Java中处理错误/抛出异常。 I have a class, UserDatabase, holding a collection of students, and it should also save the collection to a file. 我有一个类UserDatabase,它保存着一个学生集合,它也应该将集合保存到文件中。

What I'm fairly sure that I haven't done correctly, is the methods for file handling. 我相当确定自己做得不好的是文件处理方法。 Method public boolean saveDatabase should not throw exceptions and be handled in a try-catch, and use the encode method from the student class on Student objects, to write every object as a line in the file. 方法public boolean saveDatabase不应引发异常,而应在try-catch中进行处理,并应使用Student类中Student对象上的student类的encode方法将每个对象写为文件中的一行。 This one is compiling, but it looks off to me. 这个正在编译中,但是在我看来。 In the book it says write the method public boolean saveDatabase(); 在书中说写方法public boolean saveDatabase(); and as you can see I changed the header for it to make sense to me. 如您所见,我更改了标题以使其对我有意义。 This, mainly because I don't know how to write a method with the header ending with (); 这主要是因为我不知道如何编写以()结尾的标题的方法。

Method public boolean loadDatabase should also handle possible IO errors and return false if one occurs. 方法public boolean loadDatabase也应该处理可能的IO错误,如果发生错误则返回false。 For every line in the field it should create a student object by the constructor public Student(String encodedStudent) from the sudent class. 对于该字段中的每一行,它应该通过sudent类的构造函数public Student(String encodingStudent)创建一个学生对象。 If a line in the file cannot be decoded as a student it should throw a new exception, DatabaseFormatException (this is a seperate class). 如果无法将文件中的一行解码为学生,则应抛出新的异常DatabaseFormatException(这是一个单独的类)。 This one is also listed as public boolean loadDatabase(); 这个也被列为public boolean loadDatabase(); in the book. 在书里。 Let's face it, this one is completely off. 面对现实吧,这个已经完全关闭了。 I have no idea what to do and I have been working with it for hours and hours, reading books, reading online, I am lost. 我不知道该怎么办,而我已经花了好几个小时不停地工作,看书,上网阅读,我迷路了。

Here's my code: 这是我的代码:

* This method should not throw exceptions.
* By using a try/catch block, we anticipate possible failures.
* We recognize that these actions might fail and throw errors.
   public boolean saveDatabase() throws IOException {
   //This method is using the encode method on student objects and should
   //write each object as a line in the file. 
   String encode = null;
   boolean saved;
   try {

       encode = null;
   saved = false;
   catch (IOException e) {
       saved = false;
    finally {
        if(encode.equals(students)) {
        //System.out.println("Students" + students)?;
        saved = true;
   return saved;

    * Method loadDatabase should handle possible IO errors, and return false
    * if one occurs. Otherwise, it should return true and create a new 
Student object
    * by using the constructor public Student(String encodedStudent).
    * If a line cannot be decoded as a student, the method should throw a 
    * exception "DatabaseFormatException".
     public boolean loadDatabase() throws IOException,DatabaseFormatException {
   //Attempting to use the String encodedStudent constructor from Student class
   String encodedStudent = null;
   boolean loaded;
   try {
       //Attempting to create possible IO errors returning false if they occur
       enco dedStudent = null;
       loaded = false;
    catch(IOException e) {
        if (encodedStudent == null) {
            loaded = false;
    //Trying a for each loop to throw a DatabaseFormatException

   for(Student student : students) {
        //This is supposed to throw a DatabaseFormatException if a 
        //line in the file cannot be decoded as a student!
       if(student.getName.isEmpty() && this.course.isEmpty()) {
            throw new DatabaseFormatException(
            "No student found");

Your code should be 您的代码应为

public boolean saveDatabase() {
   try {
        // maybe do some more work...
        return true;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        return false;

Simply return true/false depending on wether an exception occurred or not. 根据是否发生异常,只需返回true/false Drop the saved since you no longer need it. 删除已saved因为您不再需要它。 And drop the encode since you did not need it in the first place and never assigned a value to it. 删除encode因为您一开始就不需要它,也从未分配任何值。

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