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[英]Finding duplicates from multiple list in python

I want to find duplicates( not to remove these duplicates but extract those repeating values) from multiple lists which are in a single list for example : a have list called Chunks which has 13 lists inside it. 我想从单个列表中的多个列表中找到重复项(而不是删除这些重复项,而是提取那些重复值):一个名为Chunks的has列表,其中有13个列表。

my data is as follows 我的数据如下

    And user set text "#Surname" on textbox name "surname"
    And user validate message on screen "Switch to paperless" 
    And user click on "Manage accounts" label 
    And user click link with label "View all online services" 
    And user waits for 10 seconds 
    Then page is successfully launched 
    And user click link with label "Go paperless for complete convenience" 
    Then page is successfully launched 
    And user validate message on screen "#EmailAddress" 
    And user clicks on the button "Confirm" 
    Then page is successfully launched 
    And user validate message on screen "#MessageValidate" 
    Then page is successfully launched 
    And user click on "menu open user preferences" label 
    And user clicks on the link "Statement and letter preferences" 
    Then page is successfully launched 
    And user validate "Switch to paperless" button is disabled 
    And user validate message on screen "Online only" 
    When user click on "Log out" label 
    Then page is successfully launched]

    And user click on link "Mobile site" 
    And user set text "#Surname" on textbox name "surname" 
    Then page is successfully launched 
    And user click on link "#Account" 
    Then page is successfully launched 
    And user verify message on screen "#Account" 
    And user verify message on screen "Manage statements" 
    And user verify message on screen "Step 1 of 3" 
    Then page is successfully launched 
    And user verify message on screen "Current format type"  
    And user verify message on screen "Online" 
    When user selects the radio button "Paper" ]

 And user set text "#Surname" on textbox name "surname"
Then user wait for page load
And user click on button "Continue to Online Banking"
Then user wait for page load
    And user click on "menu open user preferences" label 
    And user clicks on the link "Statement and letter preferences" 
    Then page is successfully launched 
    And page is successfully launched 
    And user waits for 10 seconds ]
[ @TestRun
    And user set text "#Surname" on textbox name "surname"
    Then page is successfully launched 
    And user waits for 10 seconds 
    And user click checkbox "Telephone" 
    And user click checkbox "Post" 
    And user clicks on the button "Save" 
    Then page is successfully launched ]]

I have extracted every testcases in one list ie lines betwwen two @testrun as one list 我已经将每个测试用例提取到一个列表中,即两个@testrun之间的行作为一个列表

 import itertools as it
import more_itertools as mit
import pandas as pd
## got seperated all test case in seprate list i.e 13 test cases in 13 lists
with open('cust_pref.txt', "r") as f1:
    lines_1 = f1.readlines()

    pred_1 = lambda x: x.startswith("@TestRun")      
    inv_pred_1 = lambda x: not pred_1(x)

    lines_1 = it.dropwhile(inv_pred_1, lines_1)         
    chunks_1 = list(mit.split_before(lines_1, pred_1))
##print the list of testcases

Now I need to find out how to find common in all this lists and how can I know from which list which are common 现在,我需要找出如何在所有这些列表中找到共同点,以及如何从哪个列表中知道哪些是共同点

I tried out following 我尝试了以下

def get_duplicated_element(array):
    global result, checked_elements
    checked_elements = []
    result = -1
    def array_recursive_check(array):
        global result, checked_elements
        if result != -1: return
        for i in array:
            if type(i) == list:
                if i in checked_elements:
                    result = i
    return result

get_duplicated_element(chunks_1) ## this gives the answer as -1 , which is not expected

Expected output is: finding common values /lines(in my cases) and if possible which steps comes in which list number in python 预期的输出是:查找通用值/行(在我的情况下),并在可能的情况下找到哪些步骤进入python的列表编号

Desired output is : 所需的输出是:

    And user set text "#Surname" on textbox name "surname"
    Then page is successfully launched 

AS these steps are repeated in every list so these sholud be the output 由于在每个列表中都重复了这些步骤,所以这些应该是输出

I have used following to get duplicates 我已经使用以下副本

def find_dupe(lists, target):
    seen = set()
    for lst in lists:
        for item in lst:
            if item == target and item in seen:
                return True

seen, dups = set(), set()
for l in chunks:
    dups = dups.union(seen.intersection(set(l)))
    seen = seen.union(set(l))

I get some duplicates from this but now my problem is i dont know which line is from which list ? 我从中得到一些重复,但是现在我的问题是我不知道哪个行来自哪个列表? Is there any way to achieve this mapping which values corresponds to which list 有什么方法可以实现此映射,哪些值对应于哪个列表

Not quite the desired output you want, but you can get a hint to process further on. 并不是您想要的输出,但是您可以得到进一步处理的提示。 Check this: 检查一下:

>>> data = [['@TestRun',
  '    And user set text "#Surname" on textbox name "surname"',
  '    And user validate message on screen "Switch to paperless" ',
  '    And user click on "Manage accounts" label ',
  '    And user click link with label "View all online services" ',
  '    And user waits for 10 seconds ',
  '    Then page is successfully launched ',
  '    And user click link with label "Go paperless for complete convenience" ',
  '    Then page is successfully launched ',
  '    And user validate message on screen "#EmailAddress" ',
  '    And user clicks on the button "Confirm" ',
  '    Then page is successfully launched ',
  '    And user validate message on screen "#MessageValidate" ',
  '    Then page is successfully launched ',
  '    And user click on "menu open user preferences" label ',
  '    And user clicks on the link "Statement and letter preferences" ',
  '    Then page is successfully launched ',
  '    And user validate "Switch to paperless" button is disabled ',
  '    And user validate message on screen "Online only" ',
  '    When user click on "Log out" label ',
  '    Then page is successfully launched'],
 ['@TestRun ',
  '    And user click on link "Mobile site" ',
  '    And user set text "#Surname" on textbox name "surname" ',
  '    Then page is successfully launched ',
  '    And user click on link "#Account" ',
  '    Then page is successfully launched ',
  '    And user verify message on screen "#Account" ',
  '    And user verify message on screen "Manage statements" ',
  '    And user verify message on screen "Step 1 of 3" ',
  '    Then page is successfully launched ',
  '    And user verify message on screen "Current format type"  ',
  '    And user verify message on screen "Online" ',
  '    When user selects the radio button "Paper"'],
  ' And user set text "#Surname" on textbox name "surname"',
  'Then user wait for page load',
  'And user click on button "Continue to Online Banking"',
  'Then user wait for page load',
  '    And user click on "menu open user preferences" label ',
  '    And user clicks on the link "Statement and letter preferences" ',
  '    Then page is successfully launched ',
  '    And page is successfully launched ',
  '    And user waits for 10 seconds']]
>>> data = [[line.strip() for line in test_set] for test_set in data]
>>> linewise_counts = {}
>>> for list_index,test_set in enumerate(pdata):
        for line in test_set:

>>> duplicates = ["{} -> {}".format(line, in_list) for line,in_list in linewise_counts.items() if len(in_list)>1]
>>> duplicates
['And user clicks on the link "Statement and letter preferences" -> set([0, 2])',
 'And user waits for 10 seconds -> set([0, 2])',
 'Then page is successfully launched -> set([0, 1, 2])',
 '@TestRun -> set([0, 1, 2])',
 'And user set text "#Surname" on textbox name "surname" -> set([0, 1, 2])',
 'And user click on "menu open user preferences" label -> set([0, 2])']

You can do something with re and defaultdict 您可以使用redefaultdict

def read_file(filehandle):
''' yields the chunks of the file, delimited by the `@TestRun`'''
    count = 0
    text = mmap.mmap(file.fileno(), 0)  # read all text in memory
    # https://stackoverflow.com/a/454589/1562285
    string_pattern = re.compile(rb'(?:\[\@TestRun(.+?)\].*?)*', re.DOTALL)
    for item in string_pattern.findall(text):
        if item:
            yield count, [i.strip() for i in item.decode('utf8').strip().split('\n')]
            count += 1

def parse_chunks(chunks):
""" puts the lines of these chunks into a dick, with the line as key and a list of the positions of this line `(chunk_no, line_no) as value`"""
    result = collections.defaultdict(list)
    for chunk_no, lines in chunks:
        for i, line in enumerate(lines):
            result[line].append((chunk_no, i))
    return dict(result)

Then you can use this like this 然后你可以这样使用

with open(file, 'r') as file
    chunks = read_file(file)
    result = parse_chunks(chunks)
 { 'And user set text "#Surname" on textbox name "surname"': [(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 0), (3, 0)], 'And user validate message on screen "Switch to paperless"': [(0, 1)], 'And user click on "Manage accounts" label': [(0, 2)], 'And user click link with label "View all online services"': [(0, 3)], 'And user waits for 10 seconds': [(0, 4), (2, 8), (3, 2)], 'Then page is successfully launched': [(0, 5), (0, 7), (0, 10), (0, 12), (0, 15), (0, 19), (1, 2), (1, 4), (1, 8), (2, 6), (3, 1), (3, 6)], 'And user click link with label "Go paperless for complete convenience"': [(0, 6)], 'And user validate message on screen "#EmailAddress"': [(0, 8)], 'And user clicks on the button "Confirm"': [(0, 9)], 'And user validate message on screen "#MessageValidate"': [(0, 11)], 'And user click on "menu open user preferences" label': [(0, 13), (2, 4)], 'And user clicks on the link "Statement and letter preferences"': [(0, 14), (2, 5)], 'And user validate "Switch to paperless" button is disabled': [(0, 16)], 'And user validate message on screen "Online only"': [(0, 17)], 'When user click on "Log out" label': [(0, 18)], 'And user click on link "Mobile site"': [(1, 0)], 'And user click on link "#Account"': [(1, 3)], 'And user verify message on screen "#Account"': [(1, 5)], 'And user verify message on screen "Manage statements"': [(1, 6)], 'And user verify message on screen "Step 1 of 3"': [(1, 7)], 'And user verify message on screen "Current format type"': [(1, 9)], 'And user verify message on screen "Online"': [(1, 10)], 'When user selects the radio button "Paper"': [(1, 11)], 'Then user wait for page load': [(2, 1), (2, 3)], 'And user click on button "Continue to Online Banking"': [(2, 2)], 'And page is successfully launched': [(2, 7)], 'And user click checkbox "Telephone"': [(3, 3)], 'And user click checkbox "Post"': [(3, 4)], 'And user clicks on the button "Save"': [(3, 5)] } 

You can filter those duplicates with 您可以使用

{key: value for key, value in result.items() if len(value)> 1}

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