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来自h2o的Python data.table

[英]Python data.table from h2o

I've seen two H2O demos including Sri's keynote at H2O World 2017, and they have mentioned a Python version of the R data.table package. 我已经看过两个H2O演示,包括2017年H2O世界的斯里兰卡主题演讲,他们提到了R data.table包的Python版本。 However, I have been unable to find any additional info regarding this. 但是,我一直无法找到有关此问题的任何其他信息。

Is this available as a stand alone python module (or planning on becoming one)? 这可以作为一个独立的python模块(或计划成为一个)?

Your understanding is correct. 你的理解是正确的。 H2O is currently developing Python datatable package, with the goal to make it as close to R's data.table as possible, both in syntax and in speed. H2O目前正在开发的Python datatable包,其目标,使之尽可能接近的r data.table成为可能,无论是在语法和速度。 The package will be released open source once it has a certain minimal number of features. 一旦具有一定数量的特征,该软件包将被发布为开源软件包。 Currently there is no set date for the release, but we hope to do it before the end of March. 目前没有确定发布日期,但我们希望在3月底之前完成。

UPDATE : datatable is now publicly open. 更新数据表是现在公众开放。

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