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如何在 Ar.js 中创建自定义标记?

[英]How to create custom marker in Ar.js?

I Was wondering how things work in Ar.js , But i was stuck with creating custom Markers and custom shapes , is there any way to customize things.我想知道 Ar.js 是如何工作的,但我一直在创建自定义标记和自定义形状,有什么方法可以自定义东西。

this is What i have got things to getting started.这就是我要开始的事情。

<script src="https://aframe.io/releases/0.6.0/aframe.min.js"></script>
<!-- include ar.js for A-Frame -->
<script src="https://jeromeetienne.github.io/AR.js/aframe/build/aframe-ar.js"></script>
<body style='margin : 0px; overflow: hidden;'>
  <a-scene embedded arjs>
    <!-- create your content here. just a box for now -->
    <a-box position='0 0.5 0' material='opacity: 0.5;'></a-box>
    <!-- define a camera which will move according to the marker position -->
    <a-marker-camera preset='hiro'></a-marker-camera>

This is simple example for getting started这是入门的简单示例

You can use the marker generator .您可以使用标记生成器

In the marker generator在标记生成器中

  • Upload your image .上传您的图片。

  • Download the trained marker.下载经过训练的标记。

  • Include it in your Code.将其包含在您的代码中。

The trained marker is contained in a .patt file.经过训练的标记包含在.patt文件中。 This file contains the encoded marker that you should reuse in your code.此文件包含您应该在代码中重用的编码标记。 You specify you want a pattern marker and you provide the URL to your own marker.您指定您想要一个模式标记,并提供指向您自己的标记的 URL。 So just replace this in your code.所以只需在您的代码中替换它。

<a-marker-camera preset='custom' type='pattern' url='assets/NAME-OF-PATTERN-FILE.patt'></a-marker-camera>

You will need to create & specify a custom pattern file.您将需要创建并指定一个自定义模式文件。 See Is it possible to use bespoke markers?请参阅是否可以使用定制标记?

You should also remove the hiro preset.您还应该删除 hiro 预设。

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