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[英]SQL Count Status For Each Day

Fairly new to SQL, but I am looking for help with organizing some data. 对于SQL来说还算是新手,但我正在寻求有关组织某些数据的帮助。 Have several status broken out into different columns with date/time and want to be able to pivot them to give a breakdown of the different status on each day. 将几个状态细分为不同的日期/时间列,并希望能够对其进行透视以提供每天不同状态的细分。

For instance the following data: 例如以下数据:

 Status4            Status5             Status6             Status7
 12/1/17 5:46       NULL                NULL                NULL
 11/30/17 14:53     11/30/17 14:53      11/30/17 14:53      11/30/17 14:54
 11/18/17 4:50      11/18/17 4:48       11/18/17 4:48       NULL    

Would return a table such as the one below with the bounds of highest and lowest date present in Status4. 将返回一个表格,例如下面的表格,其中包含Status4中最高日期和最低日期的界限。

               Status4      Status5     Status6     Status7
 11/18/17          1           1           1        0
 11/30/17          2           2           2        1
 12/1/1            3           2           2        1

Thanks! 谢谢!

If you are looking at getting counts against each date, try this code. 如果要查看每个日期的计数,请尝试以下代码。
Please note you have to write a dynamic query, if number of status columns is dynamic / unknown. 请注意,如果状态列数为动态/未知,则必须编写动态查询。

DECLARE @TempDates As Table (DateValues Date)

/*Table1 is the table having your status columns */
Insert into @TempDates
    Select Convert(Date,Status1) from Table1
    Select Convert(Date,Status2) from Table1
    Select Convert(Date,Status3) from Table1
    Select Convert(Date,Status4) from Table1

                 SELECT COL, VAL, DateValues FROM Table1
                 CROSS APPLY (VALUES (Convert(Date,Status1),'Status1'),
                                      (Convert(Date,Status4),'Status4')) CS (COL,VAL)
                RIGHT JOIN @TempDates tp ON tp.DateValues = CS.COL
                    FOR VAL in ([Status1],[Status2],[Status3],[Status4])
            ) P
            WHERE Datevalues IS NOT NULL

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