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使用ASP.Net Core的NancyFX中的静态内容

[英]Static Content in NancyFX with ASP.Net Core

I'm using Nancy 2.0.0 with ASP.Net Core 2.0.0 and I can't get my application to return static content (in this case, a zip file) from a route defined in a Nancy module. 我正在使用Nancy 2.0.0与ASP.Net Core 2.0.0,我无法让我的应用程序从Nancy模块中定义的路由返回静态内容(在本例中为zip文件)。

The Nancy convention is to store static content in /Content and the ASP.Net Core convention is to store it in /wwwroot , but I can't get my app to recognize either. Nancy约定是将静态内容存储在/Content ,ASP.Net Core约定是将其存储在/wwwroot ,但我无法让我的应用程序识别。

My Startup.Configure method looks like this: 我的Startup.Configure方法如下所示:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
    app.UseOwin(b => b.UseNancy());

And my module route looks like this: 我的模块路由如下所示:

Get("/big_file", _ => {
    return Response.AsFile("wwwroot/test.zip");

But Nancy always returns a 404 when I hit this route. 但是当我点击这条路线时,南希总是返回404。 I've also tried directing ASP.Net Core to the static directory expected by Nancy, like this: 我也尝试将ASP.Net Core引导到Nancy期望的静态目录,如下所示:

app.UseStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions()
    FileProvider = new PhysicalFileProvider(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), @"Content")),
    RequestPath = new PathString("/Content")

But this didn't work either. 但这也不起作用。 I've tried putting the file in /Content and in /wwwroot with the same result. 我已经尝试将文件放在/Content/wwwroot ,结果相同。 And I've tried different casing of Content , but nothing seems to work. 我尝试过不同的Content ,但似乎没什么用。 What am I missing? 我错过了什么?

I figured it out. 我想到了。 The issue was that I needed to let Nancy know what I wanted to use as the root path for the application. 问题是我需要让Nancy知道我想用什么作为应用程序的根路径。 I did this by creating a class that inherits from IRootPathProvider . 我是通过创建一个继承自IRootPathProvider的类来IRootPathProvider Nancy will discover any class that inherits from this on Startup, so you can put it wherever you want. Nancy将在Startup上发现任何继承此类的类,因此您可以将它放在任何您想要的位置。

public class DemoRootPathProvider : IRootPathProvider
  public string GetRootPath()
    return Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

Once this was in place I was able to access static content in /Content . 一旦到位,我就可以访问/Content静态/Content Additionally, I was able to add additional static directories (for example, if I wanted to stick with /wwwroot ) by adding a class that inherits from DefaultNancyBootstrapper . 此外,通过添加一个继承自DefaultNancyBootstrapper的类,我能够添加其他静态目录(例如,如果我想坚持使用/wwwroot )。 Again, Nancy will find this on Startup, so you can put it anywhere. 再一次,Nancy会在Startup上找到它,所以你可以把它放在任何地方。

public class DemoBootstrapper : DefaultNancyBootstrapper
  protected override void ConfigureConventions(NancyConventions conventions)


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