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在 Swift 4 上解码 JSON 数据返回 nil

[英]Decode JSON Data on Swift 4 returns nil

I'm trying to decode my json data with below function.我正在尝试使用以下函数解码我的 json 数据。 I had different Json format at first and It was working but whenI change json format, It started not to work.起初我有不同的 Json 格式并且它正在工作,但是当我更改 json 格式时,它开始不起作用。 I try to do changes also in Structure code but nothing worked.我也尝试在结构代码中进行更改,但没有任何效果。 What Am I missing?我错过了什么? (Code is for first Json format so It needs to be work on second format too) (代码适用于第一种 Json 格式,因此它也需要适用于第二种格式)

First JSON:第一个 JSON:

"status": 200,
"results": [
        "group_matched": false,
        "distance_mi": 4,
        "content_hash": "1rT2lirUapfrYIYxSR2u0GtmRSLPsVki9kFj4ugs8JIq6",
        "common_friends": [],
        "common_likes": [],
        "common_friend_count": 0,
        "common_like_count": 0,
        "connection_count": 0,
        "_id": "5a2805ba779f34267d32d8b0",
        "bio": "",
            "birth_date": "1997-12-09T16:28:29.761Z",
            "name": "John", 

Second JSON:第二个JSON:

    "meta": {
        "status": 200
    "data": {
        "results": [
                "type": "user",
                "user": {
                    "_id": "545001b33bf179416a30bf7f",
                    "bio": "Ä°nstagram:",
                    "birth_date": "1992-12-09T17:12:49.957Z",
                    "name": "",
                    "photos": [
                            "id": "2eb1beec-6180-4d58-90fd-5f076da96af9",
                            "url": "",
                            "processedFiles": [
                                    "url": "",
                                    "height": 640,
                                    "width": 640
                                    "url": "",
                                    "height": 320,
                                    "width": 320
                                    "url": "",
                                    "height": 172,
                                    "width": 172
                                    "url": "",
                                    "height": 84,
                                    "width": 84
                            "id": "89d2bc07-d244-457b-b610-26ecd4e9e86d",
                            "url": "",
                            "processedFiles": [
                                    "url": "",
                                    "height": 640,
                                    "width": 640
                                    "url": "",
                                    "height": 320,
                                    "width": 320
                                    "url": "",
                                    "height": 172,
                                    "width": 172
                                    "url": "",
                                    "height": 84,
                                    "width": 84
                            "id": "0fcafc7e-d6e7-4cc5-891a-735971d6a5b2",
                            "url": "",
                            "processedFiles": [
                                    "url": "",
                                    "height": 640,
                                    "width": 640
                                    "url": "g",
                                    "height": 320,
                                    "width": 320
                                    "url": "",
                                    "height": 172,
                                    "width": 172
                                    "url": "",
                                    "height": 84,
                                    "width": 84
                            "id": "bac74531-09e7-4c5b-ac6c-cab36c4be587",
                            "url": "",
                            "processedFiles": [
                                    "url": "",
                                    "height": 640,
                                    "width": 640
                                    "url": "",
                                    "height": 320,
                                    "width": 320
                                    "url": "",
                                    "height": 172,
                                    "width": 172
                                    "url": "",
                                    "height": 84,
                                    "width": 84
                            "id": "3c216244-946a-4c58-8670-cc12c05801cb",
                            "url": "",
                            "processedFiles": [
                                    "url": "",
                                    "height": 640,
                                    "width": 640
                                    "url": "",
                                    "height": 320,
                                    "width": 320
                                    "url": "",
                                    "height": 172,
                                    "width": 172
                                    "url": "",
                                    "height": 84,
                                    "width": 84
                            "id": "-8672-488d-8b7e-f30b4560c56b",
                            "url": "",
                            "processedFiles": [
                                    "url": "",
                                    "height": 640,
                                    "width": 640
                                    "url": "",
                                    "height": 320,
                                    "width": 320
                                    "url": "",
                                    "height": 172,
                                    "width": 172
                                    "url": "",
                                    "height": 84,
                                    "width": 84
                    "gender": 1,

Struct Code:结构代码:

    struct Photo: Codable{
    var url: String?
    var processedFiles: [processedFiles]?
struct User: Codable{
    var group_matched: Bool?
    var distance_mi: Int?
    var common_friend_count: Int?
    var name:String?
    var profile_picture: String?
    var instagram_id: String?
    var photos: [Photo]?
class Results : Codable {
    var results: [User] = []
    static let sharedResults = Results()
    private init() { }
    var type: String?

    func populateData(sender: Results){
        results += sender.results

Decode Code:解码代码:

 let jsonData = JSON(data: response.data!)
                let jsonData2 = try? JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: jsonData["data"].object)
                print(JSON(data: jsonData2!))

                let decoder = JSONDecoder()
                var response_class = Results.sharedResults
                response_class = try decoder.decode(Results.self, from: jsonData2!)
                Results.sharedResults.populateData(sender: response_class)

EDIT: I edit second JSON, It now has array of array.编辑:我编辑第二个 JSON,它现在有数组数组。 How Can I implement decoder keys for that second array?如何为第二个数组实现解码器键?

In this case I would write a custom initializer with nestedContainer to include the user dictionary into the parent object在这种情况下,我将编写一个带有nestedContainer的自定义初始值nestedContainer以将user字典包含到父对象中

let jsonString = """
    "meta": {
        "status": 200
    "data": {
        "results": [
            "type": "user",
            "user": {
                "_id": "545001b33bf179416a30bf7f",
                "bio": "Ä°nstagram:hello",
                "birth_date": "1992-12-09T17:12:49.957Z",
                "name": "Hello"

            "group_matched": false,
            "distance_mi": 4

struct Root : Decodable {
    let meta : [String:Int]
    let data : Result

struct Result : Decodable {
    let results : [User]

struct User : Decodable {

    let type : String
    let groupMatched : Bool
    let distanceMi : Int

    let id, bio, birthDate, name : String

    private enum CodingKeys : String, CodingKey {
        case type, user, groupMatched = "group_matched", distanceMi = "distance_mi"

    private enum UserKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case id = "_id", bio, birthDate = "birth_date", name

    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        type = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .type)
        groupMatched = try container.decode(Bool.self, forKey: .groupMatched)
        distanceMi = try container.decode(Int.self, forKey: .distanceMi)

        let userInfo = try container.nestedContainer(keyedBy: UserKeys.self, forKey: .user)
        id = try userInfo.decode(String.self, forKey: .id)
        bio = try userInfo.decode(String.self, forKey: .bio)
        birthDate = try userInfo.decode(String.self, forKey: .birthDate)
        name = try userInfo.decode(String.self, forKey: .name)

do {
     let data = Data(jsonString.utf8)
     let decoder = JSONDecoder() 
     let root = try decoder.decode(Root.self, from: data)
} catch {
     print("error: ", error)

By making the result of JSONDecoder().decode an optional ( try? ), you are ensuring that you get nil if the decoding goes wrong.通过将JSONDecoder().decode的结果JSONDecoder().decode可选( try? ),您可以确保在解码出错时得到nil You can catch decoding related issues quickly by implementing proper catch blocks.您可以通过实施适当的 catch 块来快速捕获与解码相关的问题。 Eg:例如:

do {
    let decoder = JSONDecoder()
    let messages = try decoder.decode(Results.self, from: data)
    print(messages as Any)
} catch DecodingError.dataCorrupted(let context) {
} catch DecodingError.keyNotFound(let key, let context) {
    print("Key '\(key)' not found:", context.debugDescription)
    print("codingPath:", context.codingPath)
} catch DecodingError.valueNotFound(let value, let context) {
    print("Value '\(value)' not found:", context.debugDescription)
    print("codingPath:", context.codingPath)
} catch DecodingError.typeMismatch(let type, let context) {
    print("Type '\(type)' mismatch:", context.debugDescription)
    print("codingPath:", context.codingPath)
} catch {
    print("error: ", error)

Not a direct answer to your question, but surely will reduce other's time to understand which part of decoding is going wrong.不是对您问题的直接回答,但肯定会减少其他人了解解码哪一部分出错的时间。

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